Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Girlfriends of EVIL men

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    A puppet used most often in therapy in my case is a fluffy dog and kitty. Glad I don’t use sport items….Lord I be dead from demonstrations of feelings in anger. For all of us yes natural to be angry at things, these are emotions is how we deal that makes it interesting. For a young child their vocabulary and feelings not fully developed so use physical sairs said poor puppet..but interesting different anger display different forms of violence. One child may pick it up and realize after, it hurt what playing with. Forgiveness, tenderness, released the pressure child felt…for others rejects the puppet, decides not worth it, finds interest some where else avoiding. These are the clues and differences..These simple examples offered are a way to help. But if go on for years and no structure of some sort provided in finding ways or means to work with anger, change behaviors, these influence people later on in life…


    Hope your teddy bear made it through a few sessions without going deaf with your innane clapping

    Linda you are nasty piece of mixed onions. You come on here for what purpose? To fake visiting a country you been stalking with a blank spoon.


    You are nasty and for  a public speaker hahhahahaha what do u speak in double numbers



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.

    Good post but what about the boyfriends of evil woman?

    You seem to have forgot about Tracie Andrews and others.

    Now there was an evil bitch !!!


    Like the sign post somer…LOL…yes you are quite right. Where is that sign placated somer ? did you take a photo of it or just googled it then printed?


    A puppet used most often in therapy in my case is a fluffy dog and kitty. Glad I don’t use sport items….Lord I be dead from demonstrations of feelings in anger. For all of us yes natural to be angry at things, these are emotions is how we deal that makes it interesting. For a young child their vocabulary and feelings not fully developed so use physical sairs said poor puppet..but interesting different anger display different forms of violence. One child may pick it up and realize after, it hurt what playing with. Forgiveness, tenderness, released the pressure child felt…for others rejects the puppet, decides not worth it, finds interest some where else avoiding. These are the clues and differences..These simple examples offered are a way to help. But if go on for years and no structure of some sort provided in finding ways or means to work with anger, change behaviors, these influence people later on in life…

    Hope your teddy bear made it through a few sessions without going deaf with your innane clapping Linda you are nasty piece of mixed onions. You come on here for what purpose? To fake visiting a country you been stalking with a blank spoon. You are nasty and for a public speaker hahhahahaha what do u speak in double numbers

    3 times he modified his reply…. it still makes no sense…. :wacko:



    Interesting topic.

    I am not sure I buy into the men are all evil, women are all victims. I think the difference is that damaged men are more prone to use physical violence and that damaged women are more prone to use psychological. When I say men are more prone to use physical violence, I mean men are physically stronger than some women and so the violence used is much more likely to cause serious harm. The statistics suggest there is not much difference gender wise with levels of domestic abuse and violence but that men are much more likely to injure or kill their partners.

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    For once I semi agree with you there GE.

    There are plenty men getting bitch slapped by hard women who like to punchbag their weaker opponents.

    Somebody who oozes power?? Theresa May I bet her partner gets whacked with Jimmy Choos if she gets tired or semi annoyed at his domestic work.


    I do not believe in hitting women,  unless they ask nicely.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.


    Where is that sign placated somer

    Is that a Somerset thing Q, ‘placating’ signs?





    1 member liked this post.

    Ge made good points regarding gender and types of violence. It is proven facts and theories that the male gender is noted for strength, power. Females considered the weaker sex of the two due to physical components.

    As the small stuffed animals I use are a dog and cat, 99 percent of my boys take the dog. 99 percent take the cat for girls. Boys play with trucks, cars, trains. Girls play with dolls, stuffed animals and cooking sets. Can see difference at early age. I had a male parent once upset over his son liking to play with dolls. He had fear son would turn out gay… the mother gave him doll. They fought like cats and dogs. Father believed this so wrong. But the mother did research and found which is true, Boys playing with dolls is not harmful, rather teaches them to treat the opposite sex with being little more gentle…in which they did. Lesson well learned. By the way this young man, now a young man, not gay. Beautiful girlfriend understand. Treats her as a queen….



    Boys play with trucks, cars, trains. Girls play with dolls, stuffed animals and cooking sets. Can see difference at early age.

    I agree Linda. Boys and girls are programmed from birth to be different from each other and immediately placed in specific gender boxes despite the psychological profile of the individual child. Boys wear blue and girls wear pink. Boys are instantly told “ooo you are going to be so big and strong”, girls told “awe you are so pretty and cute”. Boys are mocked for being “cry babies” and girls are immediately protected.

    Apparently there are more male psychopaths than women but going back to my other post, is that because women slip under the radar more often because they utilize other weapons in their armory, which are not used as the measure that defines psychopaths and of course most psychopaths, male or female, lead useful lives contributing to society.

    Are psychopaths actually “wired” wrongly, or is it a consequence of childhood trauma, or a mixture the two.

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    I’m sure somer can speak for him self G.E

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