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  • #1094223

    Oh dear Drac, crashed and burned, I’d re-group all of yourselves …… just sayin…

    If you don’t want to be intellectually honest, then there is no point continuing this discussion.

    I directly quoted the law as written in UK legislation, and proviced links to the original source material.

    It is clear to any outside obsever that I am correct, with even the most basic investigation into the material I have posted.

    You have no argument against what I have said, you have lost.


    No dear, I just went to bed like normal people do…..

    Anyone can google ‘ Laws and Acts’ and post them as links as back up, however you failed to correlate them with your statements. You stated penetration by something other than a penis was statutory rape, It isn’t and would not be charged as such. Its not about ‘winning’ its about honest opinion. Honest being the operative word, not fudging stats and such to fit, or trying to imply people are ‘something abhorrent ‘ because they choose not to answer deliberately misleading questions. When you did that you lost….IMHO of course.

    Have a nice day :bye:


    You stated penetration by something other than a penis was statutory rape,

    I made no such statement.

    Its not about ‘winning’ its about honest opinion. Honest being the operative word




    I for one am glad that there is no tolerance of paedophiles in this country up to the age of 16 , and I think it should be the same in every country.

    I was attacked by a filthy old man when I was 14.He didn’t penetrate me,he had a good time to himself though.Although I had been warned by my parents not to trust strange people,I was 14 thinking I knew everything. Out on my own on a train journey, no idea about people like that, i had never came across people like that. Never experienced that so never thought for one moment That, something like that could happen. Afterword’s it left me mentally shattered and very scared. I couldn’t tell my folks, I thought,they would have went mental,having warned me and told me you get people like that. I couldn’t tell my then boyfriend, we had never had sexual relations I was embarrassed. I kept it to myself for many many  years. Left me with lots of issues, lots of fear and worry for my own children when they came along.

    At 14 years old I had no clue and, I was young for my age. I know a girl who was very promiscuous at my age,sleeping with older men in there thirty’s. She had home problems and worries. She seemed to be able to control what she was doing. Far more mature than me and very bright. She was just a young girl though, and her experience’s left her very damaged. I know a few woman that were abused when they were children and not one was left without being very badly scared. I think we have it right.Children and young teens are very vulnerable and need protecting not just in the uk but everywhere in my vew.I don’t listen to and wont listen to the cultural argument, sorry.In my vew 16 at least should be the age of consent.

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    Drac…… Actually you did say that…..


    Ge wrote:

    They aren’t a different crime in certain circumstances though are they. or are you suggesting vaginal penetration with a bottle is a lesser crime than one carried out by a penis?

    Draculina wrote:

    Different Crimes

    Ge wrote:

    Explain how it is a different crime, 3 pages ago you complained the law is set up to protect the assailant and not the victim.
    Ge wrote:

    Explain how it is a different crime, 3 pages ago you complained the law is set up to protect the assailant and not the victim. Do you ever stick to one view or do you change it frequently like most people change their underwear?

    Draculina wrote:

    One is punishable as stautory rape under the Sexual Offences Act 2003


    And Dr Drac, you misspelt statutory

    Once again, Have a Nice Day :-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  mooosey88.



    • Children and young teens are very vulnerable and need protecting not just in the uk but everywhere in my vew.I don’t listen to and wont listen to the cultural argument, sorry.In my vew 16 at least should be the age of consent.

      Actually no I’m not sorry. Through Experian’s its what I know! Why should I apologise for myself, because some old pervert couldn’t stop himself abusing me.He should have went to prison to make him understand it was wrong, so that he would think twice about doing it to someone els.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  jamief.
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    In 2012/13, there were 18,915 sexual crimes against children under 16 recorded in England and Wales, according to the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Included in that figure were 4,171 offences of sexual assault on a female child under 13 and 1,267 offences of sexual assault on under-13 male children.

    4,171 + 1,267 = 5,438 assaults on under 13s 18,915 – 5438 = 13,477 assaults on 13-16s This means that 71% of the victims of ‘sexual crimes against children’ are 13-16 year olds. So if you lowered the age of consent to 14 you would see a dramatic drop in the reported crime rate, as I said previously :wacko:


    Draculina do you really think a child as young as 14 should be having sexual relations with people or are you so ‘concerned’ with the crime rate ‘coming down’ you would lower the age of consent just so that the figures look more ‘appealing’?

    If you were a mother maybe you would feel differently?

    I have now been sucked back into my own thread, how irksome.

    Actual point of my thread was about how certain people with certain backgrounds/life experiences can be dragged into untoward activities and commit crimes/atrocities they would not usually commit due to being ‘influenced’ by strong manipulative characters who use them for their own means.

    Seeing everyones views on children and sex has been really eye opening.

    Some of you I definitely wont be inviting down the pub for a game of pool with after reading some of that.





    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  Sairs73.
    2 members liked this post.

    And Sairs…….  apparently its not as bad with a bottle as it is with a penis ….  like manslaughter isn’t as bad as murder or shop lifting and burglary ….. go figure ….  :scratch:   :unsure:

    very shocking !!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  mooosey88.
    2 members liked this post.

    It is interesting that most posting about this tend to agree, I think some may have just taken mizzy’s original post about ‘ old men’ a bit personally, made worse by later comments by the OP I admit, when it wasn’t aimed at ALL old people at all or how they are disgusting !! Fgs, we will all get old, my comments were made about older men grooming young girls online, yes we know others lie and manipulate online, men and women, but that wasn’t what the post was about. Making it into an argument about how we treat older people is ridiculous. It happens, its in the news constantly, they have teams of officers pretending to be young girls trying to ‘get’ these men constantly. You may not like it, I certainly hope men in general don’t feel ashamed because they are male, they shouldn’t, women can be and are just as manipulative and evil, but you can’t deny its a problem and that is / was the debate, for me anyway.

    I agree with Moosey but I did also point out that I’d not be happy if my son brought some old lady home.

    Although my comments have ruffled some peoples feathers I am fully accepting that in my ‘opinion’ what is not acceptable to me for the goose is also not acceptable to me for the gander.

    I will say however that there is a whole lot more grotty old men trying to run after young girls than there are so called ‘cougars’ (stupid word just means old woman who puts make up on and dyes her hair) running after silly immature men.

    We all get old – I’m 44 and look like a knackered out old handbag, do I fool myself I am still vibrant and appealing to men half my age? No, I live in the real world.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  Sairs73.
    2 members liked this post.

    And Sairs……. apparently its not as bad with a bottle as it is with a penis …. like manslaughter isn’t as bad as murder or shop lifting and burglary ….. go figure …. :scratch: :unsure: very shocking !!

    Yes and just because the age of consent is ‘lower’ in other countries and kids are ‘allowed’ to have sex at age 14 or (shudders) younger, doesn’t make it any less morally corrupt than blatant peadophilia than in other countries when the age of consent is higher but just gets ignored.

    Just means that no one cares or is protecting these children from predatory men/women who will just use children to get their jollies.

    I don’t even get why people are saying ‘well its different in other countries’ because the age of consent is lower when it really is not any different at all.  It just means that damaging children is far more acceptable in other places than it is here and no one will do anything about it.

    So if in one country the age of consent was lowered to just 10 years old?  Would that mean it was ok to have sex with them then?  The crime figures would be completely down then wouldn’t they?

    Are we more concerned with the judicial system and costs for prosecuting these offenders than we are about the health and wellbeing of children?


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