pssss….. you do know by calling me ..Joker… That makes thick slices stalky thread of scorpomorg, now having him look utterly and abundantly and ridiculously stupid.
How Fu**king stupid does thick slice look once again lmao
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Scorpion.
If this plonker is Joker it makes sense…..totally obsessed with me to the point he pretended we met….now he wants my permission to reveal to Thin who he is but can’t even follow that through
the only thing you can follow through Joker is sh1t in your old discoloured Y-fronts
what a joke…..literally
Someone’s upset
Maybe I should post all your exes names and phone numbers
Not upset at all….go on chicken……post all the exes names and numbers and back up your facts…….go on you have my permission
same permission as before to reveal yourself….I mean not literally ….hopefully you gave up flashing years ago now you are 86 yrs old