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  • #1119191

    pssss….. you do know by calling me ..Joker… That makes thick slices stalky thread of scorpomorg, now  having him  look utterly and abundantly and  ridiculously stupid.

    How Fu**king stupid does thick slice look once again lmao :yahoo:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  Scorpion.

    If this plonker is Joker it makes sense…..totally obsessed with me to the point he pretended we met….now he wants my permission to reveal to Thin who he is but can’t even follow that through

    the only thing you can follow through Joker is sh1t in your old discoloured Y-fronts

    what a joke…..literally

    Someone’s upset :yahoo:

    Maybe I should post all your exes names and phone numbers :unsure:

    Not upset at all….go on chicken……post all the exes names and numbers and back up your facts…….go on you have my permission

    same permission as before to reveal yourself….I mean not literally ….hopefully you gave up flashing years ago now you are 86 yrs old


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    Shall we start with Fat Neil…. :unsure:


    I thought JOKER was dead…

    Well it’s been said in the room enough.

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    Shall we start with Fat Neil…. :unsure:

    You can start with who you like…Neil and I are friends…never been anything more or less…..prove there was anything more

    2 members liked this post.

    I thought JOKER was dead…

    Well it’s been said in the room enough.

    Yeah DEAD funny x


    Shall we start with Fat Neil…. :unsure:

    You can start with who you like…Neil and I are friends…never been anything more or less…..prove there was anything more

    It’s not me that has anything to prove, i’m just an innocent, irrelevant bystander B-)

    psss… there is the first person that needs checked out….shall I keep going :unsure:


    Well the jokes on you lot…………PML LMAO RATF…….I thought tracy would turn up soon enough and hey piff paff puff……

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    Well the jokes on you lot…………PML LMAO RATF…….I thought tracy would turn up soon enough and hey piff paff puff……

    mooosey has been up all night waiting for you mr q  ;-)


    Ah scorpion talks any old crap to get results……could be somer milky or linda even sceppers but give my regards to orson……..PML LMAO RATF

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