As a impartial resident here at Just Chat, I need to view my observations
Ge aka Mr Bean is accusing mr’q of stalking numerous women, and harassing them here at Just Chat over a long period of time
Which to the best of my knowledge is utter poop, as I have never seen mr q in my many years here at Just Chat do anything of the sort
Ge aka Mr Bean has also stated that dangermousey supposedly aka mizzy aka Sarah yada yada yada has been saying that she is afraid for her life from mr q on other chat sites, he also frequents to rant and rage like a bull in a china shop, and that she has been spouting off that mr q has been stalking and harassing her.
One does have to wonder though, why dangermousey has not set the record straight, by putting ge in his place with his bullpoop, and helping mr q against these very serious allegations.
May I suggest dangermousey whoever the hell it is to set the record straight