Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Geographical Location of British Humour

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  • #5557

    Found this thought i should share it:

    The funniest part of the UK is Wales, closely followed by Ireland. These are the funniest parts of the country because they have the most jokes about them. For example, any sentence containing the words “Welsh” and “sheep” is considered extremely funny, as everyone knows Welsh people harbour deep amorous desires for our woolly little friends. They also suffer from an extremely dangerous accent that has been known to kill people through pure oratory power.

    Irish people are stupid and drink too much, and it is always funny to make jokes about retards and boozers, especially jokes that sound really funny after you’ve had a round or two.

    Cornwall comes in a close third due to the number of old people and ugly tourists, and another stupid accent. Scotland is the least funny part of the country, as the people there are scary and no one wants to fight them (or do child labour harvesting heroin in high-rises), and their accent is so scary no-one can understand them anyway (Well actually, Americans consider Scottish people funny, but we’re not really talking about them now, are we?). Within England itself, the North is considered funny by southerners and the South is considered funny by northerners.

    Places that everyone can make fun of include Liverpool, Birmingham, Sunderland, Dudley, France, America.

    Will :D


    PMSL @ Dudley!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol: and im irish

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