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  • #416977

    * waits for kenty the honorary blonde to ask how she highlights text *

    * runs for the hills *


    Jen you will be amazed to know I took a 6month course in highllighting and I can actually do that :lol: BUT im back at the tills and can’t do it from here as there is no mouse…and pls no one tell me how to highlight without a mouse, so will try it later Sarah thank you probably will take me a few attempts before i get it right :lol: and is it the same for the small text?


    phwoar…just been checking out a bloke in shorts!! and mmm he smells lovely :lol:


    TFIF !!!

    long week . . ending with a delayed train and getting drenched . . still it cleansed the soul !

    looking forward to a balti night with my family . . and copious amounts of alcohol . . all courtesy of my brother in law :lol:

    Win 8)


    just had a scottish chappy talking to me for a few minutes………didnt understand a word he said but i kept laughing and smiling …hes none the wiser :lol:


    omg my son said ive been ranting this week :lol: just because i pointed out a regular customer left her litter is skanky :lol:


    So . . . today my daughter is moving out ( again :roll: ) of home and going back to Hertfordshire. She’s cadging a lift from my sister who is going in that direction. My sister is setting off in 15 minutes ( 5.30am ).

    My daughter has known this all week. She has had time to pack, to ransack the house checking for things she can take with her and things she’s put away in a ‘safe’ place :roll:

    So, with 15 minutes to go she is now packing, and panicking :lol: , mumbling away that she wished she had done this earlier as she has to also get down the road to meet my sister ( of course mother’s know nothing and shouldn’t EVER say ‘you should have done this yesterday’ :lol: ). No doubt she will also need to straighten her hair ! Oh but she has been awake since 4am BUT still left it to the last minute . . I think she thought I would do it for her :lol:

    I’m trying not to laugh here as I know it will wind her up more . . she has 5 minutes . .I’m tempted to mention it but feel it may be best not to . . . I don’t feel like dying today :lol:

    * waits for the door to slam* ( my kids have never heard of the concept of closing the door quietly, apparantly they say it’s because they like me to know when they leave or come home :roll: )

    I’m so gonna miss her :lol: :lol: :lol:

    ( I may move and not tell her, she won’t be able to come home again :lol: )


    Sounds like a great start to the day sus. :roll: When will they learn that mother knows best. :roll: :lol: :wink:

    What am I doing up at this time of day? Even my son is still in his pit (most unusual). Making sure it’s sorta warm & thinking why me. :lol:

    Bogit the handymans parting gift was a nail through a gas pipe !! (The only thing handy about him is he lives quite close by.) :lol: Woke up yesterday morning to a porch full of gas. :x
    Scary thing is my son was up @ 6.30 yesterday & he’d switched every downstairs light on. Anyway after a visit from the emergency gas engineer who promptly capped & disconnected the supply here I am awake alive but not able to rest properly waiting for the gas safe plumber to come & sort it out …… he was shopping yesterday….. I resisted the temptation to jump up & down demanding he come right now as he offers 24/7 service :lol:
    I guess someone looking after us. :)


    Mother always knows best 8)

    wow sarah, close call :shock:

    bodgit and scarper . . well known builders :lol:

    how rude of the gas engineer to put his shopping first . . . typical male eh :lol:


    @susieq wrote:

    Mother always knows best 8)

    wow sarah, close call :shock:

    bodgit and scarper . . well known builders :lol:

    how rude of the gas engineer to put his shopping first . . . typical male eh :lol:

    Bliddy cheek of him eh ?? :lol:
    Has she gone yet sus?

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