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    I have received my sons spring school report, overall he has done very well.

    What I want to know is what is PSHC??? Apparently he loves this lesson. :?


    @*Sian wrote:

    I have received my sons spring school report, overall he has done very well.

    What I want to know is what is PSHC??? Apparently he loves this lesson. :?

    I can honestly say I havent a clue! What year is he in?


    He is in year 9 I have found out what PHSE is now, it is a lesson teaching kids about sex ed and relationships amongst other social issues… drug, alcohol and so forth :roll:


    @*Sian wrote:

    He is in year 9 I have found out what PHSE is now, it is a lesson teaching kids about sex ed and relationships amongst other social issues… drug, alcohol and so forth :roll:

    I wondered why Id never heard of it lol!!

    A sort of social lesson then. Real life stuff.


    only book i can remember from english literature was ” a taste of honey” and “animal farm” and i think that was pre options i havent a clue what i studied now but i dont see anything wrong with studying the old stuff to be honest, though yes maybe 1 more modern book may be good to include also to keep their interest maybe.
    As for the comments abt uni and studying etc yes i agree education is important very much so, but i think kids are pushed too much into further education now instead of getting kids into vocational training with apprenticeships etc. How many of these qualified kids still cant get jobs or refuse to work beneath them because they have the qualifications they do, not all i know, but they need to get out in the world and work from the bottom learn the real way in the world because it sure dont come from no text book.
    And it makes u wonder with the amount of depression and alcoholism and other illnesses in students nowadays if they had been out at work all day learning and grafting would they have the time and energy to be depressed about the fact they cant get their £20,000+ a year job as a start rate with their exams.And the debt they have accrued during this time would depress any of us.


    Infact send em down the mines and up the chimneys after they leave school and let them read their books and do their extra improving them selves studies after work and in bed at night alot less teenage pregnancies that way too as they will be too tired and too busy studying in their spare time ;) kill 2 birds with 1 stone :lol:


    I think it is a double edged sword, either fail completely and become a benefit scrounger which is far to easy to do in this country or pass and struggle to find employment.

    Its even harder nowadays. My son has done really well in his mocks and is predicted C to A in 10 subjects. Im not being funny but he is no more academic than me, yet I got C’s all through. We were the first year to do GCSE’s for two years, and were famously undermarked as the markers were all new to it too.

    Kids now are being generously overmarked and with no “life skills” fail miserably at interviews etc.

    I dont know what the answer is.


    i know what your saying but failing doesnt mean u have to be a benefit scrounger theres work out there if u dont mind getting ur hands dirty, so ok it might not be the best job but its work and you can buy ur pint down the pub knowing u earnt that money fair and square with good honest toil not from hand outs from the like u say ole so easy government, i dont know the answers either but i still maintain if u are able to work but just cant find a job and are on benefits there is plenty of litter picking and public toilet cleaning envelope filling etc that could be done by people on benefits, they should be made to earn their hand outs even if only in a small way, as bad as things like YTS were at least kids were going out there and in places it was properly monitored learning a trade and how the real work place is, rather than sending everyone off to uni too piss up against the wall there students loans, (again not all ) just some.


    Looking back Poli, YTS stopped when I left school, but I knew some older kids who did very well on it. One of my friends did it at a bank and is now in senior management all these years on, for the same bank.

    Perhaps it wasnt as bad as people used to say, and we should consider more apprentice type schemes, may be an idea?

    Its got to be better than anything this government has came up with which is zilch!


    My daughter did a child called it

    Iv never seen a 15 year old at the time cry so much over a book

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