~ Garden Of Life ~
Magic in the garden of life
upon the petals of many flowers,
where raindrops dance forever,
upon velvet softness for hours…

Beauty in the magical essence,
permeating your tender heart,
with love blossoming everywhere,
a time when magic will impart…

Mysterious illusions play here,
seen from within hearts of purity,
always and forever, love is there
behold your love with sincerity…

Come to the garden and you’ll find,
all the love you anticpated so long,
come behold the beauty of the garden,
sit quietly within, hearing love’s song…

Magic awaits those who seek it,
always and forever, love is here,
promising a life of love and happiness,
where you’ll shed only a happy tear…

Listen with your heart, see with it too,
magical gardens exist everywhere,
when you let your heart guide you,
you’ll see the blossoms who truly care.
