yet,,skip forwards a mere 10 years…in the fountain on the Paisley Road in Glasgow..Punnk rock era..and we met 2 fellas that promised to take us ” dancing” ..
so on the Sat night Laura and I got all revved up and they took us to an Orange Lodge,,i told a joke that near got me killed.time for a sharp we ran off towards the general area of Sheilds Road and into the town..
my joke….
a woman was doing her spring cleaning and really gutted out.her husband comes home and moans about the missing ” picture” .. ” ohh that auld thing” she says…its in tne bin..
“ya mean ya threw out my picture o William o Orange” says he
” william of orange ! for years i thought it was Roy Rogers n trigger” says the wife
ooh dear BAD mistake ! was like a lead balloon !