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  • #14583

    Couple slain; police suspect homicide

    Kids make nutritious snacks

    County to pay $250,000 to advertise lack of funds

    Utah Poison Center reminds everyone not to take poison

    Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons

    Crack found in man’s buttocks

    President wins budget; more lies ahead

    Local high school dropouts cut in half

    Typhoon rips through cemetery – hundreds dead

    Man struck by lightning faces battery charge

    New study of obesity looks for larger test group

    Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25

    Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike Says

    One-armed man applauds the kindness of strangers

    Fish need water, Fed says

    Astronaut takes blame for gas in space

    Alton attorney accidentally sues himself

    Plane too close to ground, crash probe told

    Miners refuse to work after death

    Juvenile court to try shooting defendant

    Stolen painting found by tree

    Two sisters reunited after 18 years in checkout

    War dims hope for peace

    If strike isn’t settled quickly, it may last a while

    Man in diaper directs traffic

    17 remain dead in morgue shooting spree

    Coach fire – passengers safely alight

    Grandmother of eight makes a hole in one

    Something went wrong in jet crash, experts say

    Police begin campaign to run down Jaywalkers

    Drunks get nine months in violin case

    Eastern head seeks arms

    Prostitutes appeal to religious Leader

    Failed panda mating – veterinarian takes over

    British left waffles on Falkland Islands

    Teacher strikes idle kids

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