A boy at primary school called “Smelley” …. he always pronounced it as “smeeee-ly” … but no-one else did!!
Child I used to teach, whose dad was called Peter Rabbitt
A colleague taught a girl called Genny Taylor …. say it quickly!
Patients at clinics my mum worked on: Chenille Curten, Mr Whewell (waterworks problems), Tom Cat.
German friend went on a school trip (no bears involved) to a farm, where the farmer and his wife were introduced as Herr und Frau Fick (yes it DOES mean what you think!)
I also know a teacher called Hoare and had a PE teacher called Mrs Clair (first name began with E)
Policeman called Officer Vile …
oh the list is endless!
On another note ….. never ever ask for mushy peas in Germany!!!