Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Free speech Part two

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  • #247105

    @bob2go wrote:

    So, if the BBC had taped a conversation between two muslim leaders talking about inciting muslims to rise up and start bombing people and they passed this to the police, you would be standing on the courtroom steps with placards campaigning for the case to be dropped and the BBC to be charged with incitement to cause racial hatred?

    You are missing the point. What Nick said to those who wanted to hear what he had to say, did in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM cause hatred, he is INNOCENT, the crown prosecution know this, new labour know this, and so do every right minded individual on planet earth.

    By charging them with an “offence”, is new labours bizare way of trying to put them down, because they hate them, and because they wana stifle YOUR right to speak.

    I’ll ask you again, if you spoke words of dislike about someone or something, to an audience of people who did not create hatred from those words, does that make you guilty of incitement to racial hatred?


    @emmalush wrote:

    @bob2go wrote:

    So, if the BBC had taped a conversation between two muslim leaders talking about inciting muslims to rise up and start bombing people and they passed this to the police, you would be standing on the courtroom steps with placards campaigning for the case to be dropped and the BBC to be charged with incitement to cause racial hatred?

    You are missing the point. What Nick said to those who wanted to hear what he had to say, did in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM cause hatred, he is INNOCENT, the crown prosecution know this, new labour know this, and so do every right minded individual on planet earth.

    By charging them with an “offence”, is new labours bizare way of trying to put them down, because they hate them, and because they wana stifle YOUR right to speak.

    I’ll ask you again, if you spoke words of dislike about someone or something, to an audience of people who did not create hatred from those words, does that make you guilty of incitement to racial hatred ?

    As it happens Emma – yes it does make a person guilty. Theissue isn’t whether the audience ”wants” to hear or even if it by and large agrees with what is said. The issue is whether or not a person expresses views which might incite others to commit criminal acts.

    Words of ‘dislike’ are not necessarily an offence. ”I hate Joe Bloggs and his wife Mary Bloggs” would not lead to a criminal procecution whereas ”I hate Joe Bloggs and his wife Mary Bloggs because they are Muslims and we should all rise up against them and ….etc etc” would undoubtedly lead to an appearance in the Leeds Crown Court.

    Also please try to distinguish between the criminal offence of ”inciting” as opposed to the criminal offence of actually carrying out the act that you were incited to do. It is enough to show that a person was actively encouraging others to commit a criminal act, to prove the offence of incitement – whether those incited subsequently went on to break the law, or not as the case may be.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    The issue is whether or not a person expresses views which might incite others to commit criminal acts.

    So what your saying is, that ANYTHING ANYONE says to someone “MIGHT” incite others to commit a criminal act. Does that make what EVERYONE says worthy of a seven year jail sentence?


    @emmalush wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    The issue is whether or not a person expresses views which might incite others to commit criminal acts.

    So what your saying is, that ANYTHING ANYONE says to someone “MIGHT” incite others to commit a criminal act. Does that make what EVERYONE says worthy of a seven year jail sentence?

    Oh Emma – I think that you are making a supreme effort to be thick, and succeeding.

    Whether or not a person is guilty of an offence in law (on incitement) is up to the Courts to decide, after hearing any evidence. In order for the ”BNP Two” to be brought before the Courts they have to be charged with the offence of incitement. In order to be charged they first have to be arrested by Police – and Police powers of arrest extend only to situations where they have ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ that an offence has been committed.

    In this case you two mates were grassed up by the BBC.

    In any event the CPS has to be satisfied that there is a reasonable chance of securing a conviction before allowing a prosecution to proceed.

    So no Emma it doesn’t apply to ”ANYTHING ANYONE says to someone” but it sure as hell does apply to the grossly racist and bigoted mouthings of a pair of cheap sunglass wearing back street thugs.


    @emmalush wrote:

    Im sure your looking for an argument of blame here, but where and to whom did he say this?

    It was part of the secret recording. It sounded to me like he was saying that the locals there should kill muslims before the muslims kill them.



    Nick Griffin and INNOCENT in the same sentence……………………….funniest thing I seen all week.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @emmalush wrote:

    You are missing the point. What Nick said to those who wanted to hear what he had to say, did in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM cause hatred, he is INNOCENT, the crown prosecution know this, new labour know this, and so do every right minded individual on planet earth.

    Did you mean on Planet Emma?



    @bob2go wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    You are missing the point. What Nick said to those who wanted to hear what he had to say, did in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM cause hatred, he is INNOCENT, the crown prosecution know this, new labour know this, and so do every right minded individual on planet earth.

    Did you mean on Planet Emma?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :-k Wonder if Emma drives a car with fluffy dice and EMMA n NICK in big letters on the windscreen :lol: :roll: :roll:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Whether or not a person is guilty of an offence in law (on incitement) is up to the Courts to decide, after hearing any evidence.

    So the question still needs an answer, did they cause racial unrest? As it cannot be proven (because it didnt happen), then they are innocent.

    In this case you two mates were grassed up by the BBC.

    YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT, what was said to the audience at the meeting, is different criminally to what the bbc published, in terms of punishment.


    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    Im sure your looking for an argument of blame here, but where and to whom did he say this?

    It was part of the secret recording.

    Not quite, that was a bbc new labour searchlight thing.

    Where and to whom did he say this?

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