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9 February, 2006 at 2:26 pm #2798
Ive been getting a few emails about this online lotto syndicate from and been wondering if any1 has tried or about to try this? it sounds good only £4.99p for year membership… plz me needs some help on this.Im just lookin to raise abit of extra cash without spendin loads of monies on scams. I no i should have plenty of cash left off the cartoons and films but works dried up and monies now gettin tight…lol
ps. Im am not advertising this site nor am i part of this so for people slaggin me or negative feed back **** off…thnks daffy…lol
9 February, 2006 at 3:29 pm #192590Havent even clicked on the link or gone to the site but if something is too good to be true, it normally is
9 February, 2006 at 4:22 pm #192591daffy, that site is the same site this link takes you too:
I’ve been getting emails from them for a year or so. It is legit, not a con, my cousin does it, and it’s been on the go for several years.
The only downside of it is that they ( I may be wrong, as it could have changed by now ) insist on you paying a minimum subscription of £5.00 per week, that’s yer normal syndicate lottery ticket price, so it aint good if all you can afford is £1.00 a week on the lottery.
They also have incentives, if you can recruit more peeps to join, you get free entries, so if you got X amount of people from JC for example to join it, you’d get lots of free entries. Check out the site, read the FAQ’s section. You’ll find it uses a referral system, e.g if you gave them my email addy, i.e. recomended me to them, and I actually sign up, they will reward you with free entries. I don’t think you get anything for one referral though, it might be 10, 15, or 20 people before you get the rewards. Some people, mostly the ones who got in on it at the start, have recruited so many others that they get tons of free entries.
I used to be bang up to date on all this lottery stuff. I did loads of free internet lotteries, even won a few quid, only about £30.00 though. I could mention one that even used to be advertised on this site, but it would be wrong of me to name it as JC relies on advertising/affiliation revenue. There use to be lots of good review sites too, where you could get the low down on all these lotteries.
I only do one of them now, cos I can’t be ar sed with them. The one I mentioned above did actually have a million pound winner about 2 years ago, chap in England won it. Not bad for free eh? Only thing is, the free ones don’t pay out all in one go, they pay out about £20,000 a year until it’s reached full payout. There is no catch though with the free ones, they too are legit, and they ( like JC ) get their revenue from the advertisers/banners on their sites, which to have to click on, and visit, to validate your entry.
I now prefer the charity ones, such as the Guide Dogs For The Blind, and Age Concern. They don’t pay out anywhere near as much as Camelot, but I get the satisfaction of knowing all my ticket money goes to these charities. I despise Camelot, not because they make a profit, but because I think many of the causes they give to are unworthy, and many better causes get bu gger all.
9 February, 2006 at 4:43 pm #192592so its legit and works by gettin more peeps to join in and the more who join the more you win/earn? So you have to be committed to it big time to work?
Cant be that hard…can it?
cheers will go and have a think….
9 February, 2006 at 5:20 pm #192593yeah daff, but you don’t have to be commited it to it big time unless you want to make the maximum possible profit. If all you want is a wee flutter and a better chance of winning through a syndicate, then go for it, but have a think as you say.
Keep in mind that you don’t have the hassle of a works-type syndicate, and trying to get all the money in from peeps who might be off sick or on holliday etc. When someone doesnt chip in their ticket money for some reason, and the syndicate wins, peeps can end up fighting things out in court, but this site relieves you of all that. I didn’t check out all the small print, but you may find they take a small cut of syndicate winnings or a fee.
The odds on winning the Camelot lottery are about 25 million to one. The E-Lottery syndicate, like any syndicate, gives you more winning chances, but at the end of the day it’s still a syndicate and you’ll share winnings.
I’d advise you not to spam anyone if you do go in for it, e.g don’t give every addy in yer email addy address book to the company. Ask all your friends and colleagues first, and it’s not the kind of thing you want to do on the message boards, e.g. don’t post something like………………………………..EVERYONE CHECK THIS OUT. That would be perceived as you using the site for business purposes or procurement.
9 February, 2006 at 6:23 pm #192594peco m8 thanks for advise
hows ya cousion doin at this lotto thing is he makin much monies?
Im goin to have abit of a read threw this site and take it in but if theres money tho be made over time theres a good chance i’ll do it and i’ll take ya advise on spamin lark
12 February, 2006 at 5:10 pm #192595My cousin ( female ) has never said yet if she’s won anything, but I’ll ask her when next I see her. She only fancied doing it cos of the odds, not because she wanted to recruit more peeps and get free entries. She hardly uses her comp and rarely surfs, so I doubt she even knows the addies of more than half a dozen peeps.
Here’s links to the charity lotteries I mentioned daffy, these ain’t free ones though, they cost a quid per entry, same as Camelot.
Although these are just small lotteries, the odds are better than with Camelot, but you won’t get rich with them. I pay a year in advance with both of them. I won a tenner with the guidge dogs one within 4 weeks of subscribing to it.
I don’t think I’ve infringed the site rules posting these links, as they are registered charities after all.
I’ll send you a PM with a link to a private one I do, but it is just a straightforward gambling site with a lottery game based on the Camelot Numbers first draw on a Saturday. Aint played this one for many months, tho used to do it with a mate. I’ve just checked the site, and the game is still on the go. Don’t get carried away though, it’s easy to do, gambling being addictive.
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