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  • #130602

    soulieeee ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

    i wont take advantage of you then babe lol :lol: :lol:

    just spotted you and came to say night night xoxooxoxoxoxooxo


    goodnight hun… sleep tight x


    foxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wb ya crazy chick. Where ya been xxxx


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    foxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wb ya crazy chick. Where ya been xxxx

    ty luckyyyyyyyyyyyyy xoxoxoxoxo
    if i told ya id have to kill ya lmaoooooooo
    hope you ok hunnybun oxoxoxo

    bet no one noticed i was gone :lol: :lol: lmaooo


    @beth wrote:

    Foxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy woooooooohoooooooo get the poles our babes :wink: Missed ya loads hunni xoxoxo Gis a snog hunni for old times sake :wink: (((((((((((((((((Hugs and kisses for foxy)))))))))))))))))))

    hey bethyyyyy me likkle strawberry muffin lol xoxoxoxoxoxox
    fgs where was you hidin???? i suposed to catch you over weekend and didnt see ya pml xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    i got a new pole bethy its bigger :wink: :wink: lol


    *runs around the place screaming like a scalded cat because FOXY is back in the house “in her very own wispy style”……

    **kick’s juke box and makes it play tush wiggling tunes*


    *blows kisses and runs away*

    D. x


    *kicks the jukebox again and it flips to motorhead* :P :wink:

    hey up dibbs xxxx



    Whispy ya fruitcake…….where you been…………havn’t missed you like, just wondering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Only kidding, nice to see you around flowerpot :lol:


    i didnt make her hide in there foxy honest!!

    welcome back hunni xxxx the place aint the same without the resident crazy chick xxxx


    you begged me to do them ffs!!!

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)

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