Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Fortnightly bin collections a load of rubbish

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    We’ve suffered this backward step of fortnightly refuse collection for a year or more now.
    In our case, we manage because we there are only 3 of us. But other people are overwhelmed with rubbish. We have recycling, which is good on the face of it, but the recycled food bins always go mouldy and the collectors don’t empty them properly.
    The other week, the collection time was changed for the wheelie bins, without warning. They used to come in the afternoon but they turned up at 7.30 am and we hadn’t wheeled the bin out so it got left.

    In the old days, if we missed a collection, the bin wasn’t emptied for 2 weeks. Now that the collection is every 2 weeks, if we miss it’s not collected for 4 weeks.

    Also I’ve heard more than one story claiming that some recycled waste gets dumped in landfill sites anyway, making the recycling a sham.

    Who thinks that we should go back to weekly rubbish collections? We pay enough council tax, after all.


    Don’t get me started on rubbish collections. My council wants to fine people for not recycling yet they don’t collect plastic food cartons. Plastic bottles, cardboard metal bottle tops or jar tops. The list goes on. Also where I work they will only collect rubbish from the officially supplied weekly bin which we have to rent of the local council for a weekly fee. They collect the bins @ 7:30 in the morn but most business don’t open until 8 or 9 so we norm miss them. :evil:


    I do recycle everything, but storing it is a problem. All bottles, tins, plastic trays that food comes in, shampoo bottles the lot. My actual rubbish is down to two bags a week and luckily that is collected weekly. Our recycling is fortnightly, but I only use that service for paper and card. The rest I take to Tesco to recycle and collect clubcard points.

    If I couldnt do that and if they suddenly decide on a complete fortnightly collection I dread to think how much rubbish we would have! Two adults two kids one dog two cats and three parrots create a heck of a lot!


    I presonally think its a good idea to collect the rubbish on a fortnightly basis, providing adequate recycling services are provided, and people put them into use. If like our area, they wont collect cardboard, plastic, etc, keep it stored in the shed until you have a bin liner full and take a weekly/fortnightly trip to the recycling bins at the local shopping centre. Theres no excuses, they are every where these days.

    People are moaning about the reduction in the collection of rubbish because they pay council tax, but everyone has an individual responsibility to reduce the amount of stuff they throw away. When people see rubbish piling up this should encourage people to recycle more.


    fortnightly collections is totally wrong
    i live in a lil borough in darlington
    now they collect weekly they also collect the recyling weekly this is all well n good
    but when u have to put ur rubbish in binliners and leave them on the kerb it generates rats
    they claim you can get the recyle bins from local warden houses
    but theyre never there and dnt have em in stock when u do manage 2 catch em.

    now this very different because down south
    you get wheelie bins and they collect fortnightly and it works fine no rats etc
    because its all contained in a green wheelie bin
    i think if more councils provided the bins etc then maybe but they aint ever gunna do that


    I am lucky, my rubbish is collected weekly. However it is hard to recycle where I am from, the only thing that gets recycled is tins. Everything else you have got to sort out yourself. I could probably go down to town and recycle everything but I dont drive so it is kind of hard for me.

    Fornightly rubbish collections are out of order, In my opinion it is a health hazard especially to those with large families, and those who can’t recycle all of their rubbish because of either where they live or for the fact that they cannot drive or other similar reasons. It is not always a excuse for people not recycling, in some cases it is a reason.

    The council needs a reality check, and FAST!


    Despite the tone of my original post, I’ve always supported recycling. But the councils are trying to force the issue, under pressure from the government, on a population that is ill prepared for it. It’s like trying to encourage a more trusting society by banning locks on doors – it just won’t work unless everyone buys into the idea.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Despite the tone of my original post, I’ve always supported recycling. But the councils are trying to force the issue, under pressure from the government, on a population that is ill prepared for it. It’s like trying to encourage a more trusting society by banning locks on doors – it just won’t work unless everyone buys into the idea.

    Yep,,,, and what about the housebound folk? Will they get a subsitised privately funded collection? Its all raving mental!


    I think we should just be able to chuck it in one bin. Then they could get the 60,000 prisoners we got banged up in this country and they can sort through it all. It will give them something to do, They won’t need x-boxes, playstations, pooltables and sky/cable tv then.


    we have a serious problem out in the sticks of ppl coming and dumping rubbish. on the moors around the resevoirs and even at the roadside out in the countryside. its gtting much worse now as batley and dewsbury have changed to 2 weekly collections and they just take a ride out and dump their unwanted filth anywhere, it is a health hazard and a nightmare for wildlife. councils should collect every week and supply at least 3 re cycling bins then at least most ppl would give it a try.

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