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  • #1096686

    “there are twice as many black men in prison as there are at university.”

    Trevor Phillips


    ‘Ere Trev, maybe prison is a university?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  Morgan..

    I suppose you think that Wales is not fit for black criminals.


    Wales is not fit for black, white, yellow, pink or blue criminals. Not even Welsh ones:)


    There is plenty of more recent evidence that a young black man is more likely to be imprisoned for similar crime as his white peers. etc.

    Yes, no doubt.

    But it seems to me Trevor was the first to really encapsulate and isolate the key issues, and present them to the public in a serious, credible and respectable manner.

    It would have been very difficult for a white man to make that statement without it appearing racist.




    There is plenty of more recent evidence that a young black man is more likely to be imprisoned for similar crime as his white peers. etc.

    Yes, no doubt. But it seems to me Trevor was the first to really encapsulate and isolate the key issues, and present them to the public in a serious, credible and respectable manner. It would have been very difficult for a white man to make that statement without it appearing racist.

    Make what statement Alfie? Cherry picking one line to suit your argument is about as far as your googled research goes.


    You must be Blossom.

    Blossom, please pay attention. Trevor Phillips made a statement “There is an underclass of black youth in the UK” He gave his reasons why he concluded that. If you’re interested you can read about it in the links I provided. I found his comments credible at the time and very relevant to this thread.

    I think if we are to debate today, about blacks, crime and prison, then Trevor Phillips’ comments are fundamental, and could, possibly should be used as a reference point.

    It’s difficult to understand the situation in Palestine today if one is ignorant of the wars of 67 & 73.


    It’s difficult to understand the situation in Palestine today if one is ignorant of the wars of 67 & 73.

    I’ll re-phrase that.

    It’s IMPOSSIBLE to understand the situation in Palestine today if one is ignorant of the wars of 67 & 73.



    Alfie listen, Mr Google. Listen to recent in-depth research which covered this issue in full last year. Not some random line a politician uttered 13 years ago. Although I do agree with some of what Philips stated.

    “The Lammy review was given a political boost by Theresa May when she pledged to fight racial injustice during a speech on the steps of No 10 after she became prime minister last year. “If you’re black, you’re treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you’re white,” she said.”


    <p class=”pub-c-lead-paragraph “>”An independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system.”</p>




    I think it’s IMPOSSIBLE to understand the reasons behind the facts provided regarding blacks and crime and prison, if one is oblivious to there being an “underclass of black youth”



    Not some random line a politician uttered 13 years ago

    Since when has Trevor been a politician?



    I think it’s IMPOSSIBLE to understand the reasons behind the facts provided regarding blacks and crime and prison, if one is oblivious to there being an “underclass of black youth”

    It is cearly possible to understand hence the Lammy review of which I have just posted the relevant links, unless you have conmducted your own research which you can provide.

    Perhaps you have a ‘graph’ you can spam post again. Lol.

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