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29 May, 2018 at 10:40 am #1096674
“Black prisoners make up 15% of the prisoner population and this compares with 2.2% of the general population .. these are facts released from the ministry of justice. I suppose all the judges are ku klux klan members or maybe there are just a disproportionately high number of black people committing more crimes God forbid.
29 May, 2018 at 11:14 am #1096675I think Morgan is a black criminal
I’m a white criminal actually.
deported back to Hugsland
Could we do Wales instead please? 😁
A typical racist comment!!!!
I suppose you think that Wales is not fit for black criminals.
You assume that Hugs wants to go to Wales!!
As (the Gerry-appointed) leader of the pack against the lovely hugs, I order people around as I please.
Eat your heart out, paigey. Call yourself a dictator. make way for the real boyos.
Sorry, boyos is a racist term as it turns Welsh people into stereotypes.
Sorry for being sexist, for assuming that paigey wouldn’t make a good dictator.
29 May, 2018 at 11:21 am #1096677“Black prisoners make up 15% of the prisoner population and this compares with 2.2% of the general population .. these are facts released from the ministry of justice. I suppose all the judges are ku klux klan members or maybe there are just a disproportionately high number of black people committing more crimes God forbid.
Now there’s a reason why I might think of that comment as dog-whistle racism.
I have no idea what percentage of blacks are in prison, but assuming you’re right and they are 15% of the prisoner population,compared with 2% of the general population.
Then it would certainly be a fact that blacks commit proportionately more crime than others.
But the reason that fact is dog-whistle is that it stops there. The obvious question is why?
Is it because blacks are inherently more criminal??
Or are there social reasons for this, perhaps connected to the proportion of black unemployed? And that demands an answer to the question of why black people tend to be unemployed more.
It’s one of the most absurd things I’ve heard, to be called a racist.
But there are serious problems of racism in our society – and in French society, too – that’s where this guy comes from..
29 May, 2018 at 11:28 am #1096678You clearly can’t read sceptical as you are another dopey snowflake screaming racism.. the reasons may well be economic etc but the fact remains. There are a higher number of black people in prison than white per head of population , it’s not racist to state the obvious fact. Do you even know what the word means? In any event cults like Islam present far bigger issues than nationality ones which is why 20 percent of prisoners are muslim in high security jails when there are only five percent in society represented.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
29 May, 2018 at 11:33 am #1096680Incidentally if we are going down the economic / upbringing route being responsible for crime, you could argue virtually every prisoner white or black is not guilty at all but merely a victim of his own circumstance.
29 May, 2018 at 11:33 am #1096681he scaled those balconies with a skill and speed which indicates a lot of practise.
Ah well, now he’s a citizen, at least they can’t deport him if they catch him scaling balconies again. His one good deed earns him forgiveness for anything else he’s done.
Clearly a racist statement. Now wriggling out of it with his Marine Le Penesque excuses.
It is funny though to observe Scepticals tag team with Alfie, all gob when it comes to Hugs, the easy target, when Alfie is on one Sceptical hides huddling in the corner and states “he is going to ignore him”.
So amusing.
29 May, 2018 at 11:40 am #1096682The colour of skin is irrelevant , the reason many are black is simply down to the countries they come from with backward cultures like Islam based on prophets having intercourse with prepubescent children. Then we have people like you wondering why crime rates are increasing when we have an influx of people coming from areas where it is legal to marry 9 year old children and impregnate them. For many of our “diverse ” friends, it’s legal to have many wives all at primary school so we get incidents like Rotheram where its considered the norm in many places
29 May, 2018 at 11:41 am #1096683I believe Trevor Phillips some years ago, 2005, made some very important comments on these issues raised regarding crime and race, and as to the reasons behind it.
Trevor Phillips who was at the time Head of Commission for Racial Equality declared there is an “Underclass of black youth in the UK” and set about explaining his statement.
29 May, 2018 at 11:42 am #1096684If the colour of skin is irrelvant Dan then why have you just made a song and dance about colour of skin in the UK prison population?
29 May, 2018 at 11:45 am #1096685I believe Trevor Phillips some years ago, 2005, made some very important comments on these issues raised regarding crime and race, and as to the reasons behind it.
There is plenty of more recent evidence that a young black man is more likely to be imprisoned for similar crime as his white peers. etc.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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