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  • #1096933


    Weak arguments are always concealed by personal abuse.

    Yep and everyone who reads your posts over a period of time knows how they are full of personal abuse and personal insults. The funny thing about you is this, you just don’t practice what you preach, you’re not a Christian and you don’t behave like a Christian, so stop preaching Christian values to everyone else while you wave your willow rod angrily.


    To simplify,

    The Greeks, Romans, Germanics, Norse, Celts, Britons, have all long ago accepted that their Gods and beliefs are all just myths. Science rules. Every culture, civilisation on the planet has some kind of mythology attached.

    The jews and arabs seem to be a little slow at catching up. I wonder why that could be? (despite there being Jewish and Islamic mythologies)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  Morgan..


    Has no respect for anybody outside his liberal Christian bubble.

    Do you respect a religion that would gladly decapitate you on a variety of grounds?

    The hundreds of young boys and young men emerging now as adults who were sexually abused by football coaches?

    Gutted you missed out are you?

    I missed this, I apologise for not taking a blind bit of notice in what you type usually.

    What do you mean missed out?

    Are you suggesting I am a peadophile who buggers young boys Alfie?



    To simplify, The Greeks, Romans, Germanics, Norse, Celts, Britons, have all long ago accepted that their Gods and beliefs are all just myths. Science rules. Every culture, civilisation on the planet has some kind of mythology attached. The jews and arabs seem to be a little slow at catching up. I wonder why that could be? (despite there being Jewish and Islamic mythologies)

    I’ll simplify it even further, you have typed this on previous occassions countless times, why do you keep having the same conversation and pretending it is new and fresh?


    Please re-post where I have written that previously and I will answer your question x



    Please re-post where I have written that previously and I will answer your question x

    Are you going to answer, or not?


    What exactly have I missed out on and i’ll repeat myself, are you suggesting that I am a peadophile who buggers young boys, it’s a simple question Alfie.


    Toleration of religion is one of the key freedoms for which our fathers and grandfathers fought, and for which many gave their lives. Freedom to worship God in your own way, and freedom not to worship God, are the keystones of what I regard as a civilised society.

    Make the most of them, as I predict they will soon be banished.

    Ancient Egyptians believed in a horse carrying the sun across the sky, greeks believed in the gods of zeus and ares … people laugh but how is it more farcical the son of god nailed to a cross and the prophet muhammed /worshipping Allah on a door mat facing east. Todays religion in future generations will be todays God Ra and the horses dragging the sun across the sky like desert orchid both derided and mocked with people wondering how people can be so foolish to believe in such nonsense. It’s santa claus for grown ups at best and mentally ill indoctrinated freaks at worst. As soon as anyone starts talking about their religious beliefs, I assume they need things explaining to them that bit more clearly due to a brain that doesn’t work properly.

    John Gray (an atheist himself), in his recent book Seven types of Atheism, looks at militant theism of the Dawkins/Hitchens variety (Ditchkins in the words of the Marxist, Terry Eagleton) and regard it contemptuously as on a par with fundamentalist Christianity. Absolutely certain of itself, incapable of recognising doubt, believing that a clever metaphor is a substitute for an argument. He sees this atheism as itself a religion, with ‘Science’ as its God, unable to understand that actual science has moved on. The Canadian philosopher (and Catholic), Charles Taylor, points out in A Secular Age that there is a religious belief, and an atheism, which is for children. He contrasts this with a religious belief, and an atheism, which is for adults, able to discuss without abuse or scorn because they are aware of the strength of the opposing side.

    Using an example of an atheist to justify a position that Christianity is coming from a position of strength is fairly bizarre. Gray believes that humanity is to quote  ” a ravenous species engaged in wiping out other forms of life.” with morality being a myth . He argues that this belief in progress, commonly imagined to be secular and liberal, is in fact “derived from an erroneous Christian notion of humans as morally autonomous beings categorically different from other animals. This belief, and the corresponding idea that history makes sense, or is progressing towards something, is in Gray’s view merely a Christian prejudice”

    I’m not sure why you have used Gray as an example to substantiate your religious views having validation as it weakens your position unless your only intent is to criticise dawkins whom you seem to have an unhealthy fixation with simply because of the infamous God delusion book. Using views of an atheist mocking Christianity doesn’t really counter an argument of religious followers being a bit limited upstairs now does it.

    Incidentally not believing in a God is not a “religion” and never will be. The definition of a religion is ”    the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods”. How you manage to attribute atheism with those attributes when no atheist believes in either a God or divine superhuman creator I’ve absolutely no idea unless you read it in some bizarre site and have taken it to heart like poor old Gray who would be more aligned to my philosophical outlook than yours.

    It’s this type of post which vindicates my view that anyone following a religion is both illogical and somewhat ” disturbed “


    Ge (fake name) adress me by user name, as I do you, or fkcuoff x



    Ge (fake name) adress me by user name, as I do you, or fkcuoff x

    Lol. Alfie, I knew you wouldn’t address it. Don’t you claim to be from London? If you were from London, which you’re not, you wouldn’t be making such silly statements would you, because you know what happens to people who do, don’t you.


    Oh and Alfie I have one more observation, when Sceptical and Dan are having their googled debates you pipe up a few months later and repeat what they have said.



    You guys are funny.



    I’m from the valleys boyo. Nearest city is Swansea.

    Where is it you’re from?

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