Jamief. Not speaking on your behalf.. sorry not clear enough. Told u in f3 other day up front he very upset he can’t post here directly. What goes on with you and him..I not care.. but I told you hurting O.k. simple enough. So talk to him about what I tried to do here for you both. As far as the other one. She on her own. WILL never ever have any involvement with her in any form, shape, forgiveness..never..u have no clue what she did to me..never ever forgive. Her..so dont include me with her ever. Never ever ever try to help her again. Final..done..finished..hands washed. Walked away..
Just lied on threads how much she talks to him. I not take on a battle with u jamief ever or your past. Simply not there, not know. But for present I know how cosy feels. What was discussed in his sad thoughts. So take it as helping him or not. I was more so focused on him..not you. Sorry you misunderstood..