Put his language aside (I know, it’s f***ing hard!) and you actually see a man who is genuinely passionate about food
So, he makes a fortune from swearing and in that respect I think he’s becoming his own caracature – no he’s not going to stop driving his 4wd and I’m sure he’s not going to put energy efficient light bulbs in his restaurants …
but …
he’s not wrong though, at least, not in the principle behind the idea.
We should eat fresh and local and wherever possible/affordable organic – after all, it’s what goes in our mouth that either kills us or enables us to live.
Personally, rather than attacking restaurants for not cooking with local/seasonal, it’s the supermarkets that should be blamed and fined.
They are the ones responsible for importing huge quantities of food from far away – tasteless, bland and sprayed with more preservatives than Michael Jackson.
OMG – I’m ranting. Need to put this in a new thread
Before I go, back to the point – Ramsey’s character is what it is (personally, I find it vulgar), but his passion for his subject is undeniable.