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    I can only go on my own experience of having both a boy and a girl.

    With both of them growing up, I did wonder on an occasion if either of them were gay or not, just a feeling I had at the time, I hope, needless to say, that I wouldn’t have cared one iota. I think all youngsters in some stage in their life wonder about sexuality, but, because of the change in hormones they/we experience.

    My daughter being the youngest played with her big brother’s toys – when someone gave her a barbie doll, she snapped its head off – NO I did not think she was thinking she was a boy, even though I found them both in the bath looking for her willy at the age of about 3 and 4.5 – all I thought was, time for seperate baths!! I really don’t know if I am niaive, but my two only knew that one had a willy that made him a boy! The rest of the questions came in dribs and drabs over the years. Children, in my experience, switch off when you have answered what they wanted to know, even before sometimes!!

    Going back to what would I do? Go utterly and completely neutral (hair cut, layered, clothes wotever they want to wear etc etc), let HIM talk if HE wants to and do NOT say a word unless asked a question.

    Goes without saying – child locks on all drawers and cupboards and no sharp objects within reach!!

    And as I have said I would never ever go to a newspaper grrrrrrrrrr it has made me really angry to put it mildly for the innocent! :twisted:


    This is an interesting article. A bit long but shows both sides of the coin. It’s also interesting how one doctor (Dr Zucker) actually investigates the reasons why a child thinks they are the opposite sex and successfully in all but a few cases resolves the issue.

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