Heres my first car Citroen ax

Not MY actual one as sadly no pics of it, only difference would been a few minor details, the front bumber was black (had to repace that after a crash, going 70mph around a tight bend and crashed into parked car :oops: ) after that, kept it for year even though i had no windscreen wiper bottle (it fell out in pre-said crash, was crap when windscreen would get dirty, had to get out and pour water over it get back in and turn on wipers, so long distance trips were pants) no idea what speed i was doing as needle was broke, brakes did feck all and my headlights where resembled bad dips.
I didn’t have a name for it but did mutter “just get me home pleeeaasssseeeee” alot to it, if that counts. Ahhh i miss it, sentimental only – piece of shìt it was. Still it got me from A to B, just.