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  • #1027383

    The real question is, who’s the bigger fashionista? May or Merkel?


    What anyone wears is a matter of self confidence, I knew a woman my age who would wear mini skirts and dresses,  personally I wouldn’t, but she felt good dressing that way,  if you dress to please others, you’re no longer yourself, but a people pleaser.

    I wouldn’t even consider or think to have a go at someone for their choice of clothing, its personal taste, you don’t “have” to pass comment do you?. just makes you look a bit silly.

    As for the Prime Minister and Angela Merkel, I know who I would rather see from a fashion perspective. Theresa May!


    I don’t care what people wear. My motto is, suit the wearer and eff the starer. Personally I have never followed fashion. I dress to please myself. I like classic stuff that doesn’t date that you can mix and match with nice accessories. I also look around charity shops for vintage clothes, I have had some great designer bargains while mooching around bargain bins.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by  Sophia.

    Only the stupid people laugh at you for not being as old as they are. ??? :unsure:

    Moosey, for bringing the grammatical mix-up to my attention. These mix-ups aren’t as common as typos, but the invention of the word-processor has led to me making them from time to time. Correction – Only stupid people laugh at you for being older than they are. Now that should make sense to you. :good:

    Cheers for clearing that up, it did make me scratch my head for about 27 seconds :yes:   B-)


    Cheers for clearing that up, it did make me scratch my head for about 27 seconds :yes: B-)

    Mooosey, there are good treatments for head lice and nits.

    These include

    • dimeticone 4% lotion or lotion spray – applied and left for 8 hours (usually overnight)
    • dimeticone 4% spray gel – applied and left for 15 minutes
    • mineral oil and dimeticone spray – applied and left for 15 minutes
    • isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone solution – applied and left for 5-10 minutes

    Some treatments need be done twice – seven days apart – to make sure any newly hatched lice are killed.

    You also need a special nit-comb. Go through your hair two or three days after your treatment is finished, and then again seven days after that in case there are still some of those nasty things crawling about on your head.

    You see how much I care for you?? :heart:


    oi oi  I love my nits  they are my fwends …… :-(    They goin’ nowhere buddy :whistle:


    I thought headlice were the new super-cockroaches — immune to everything.


    I’ve seen the pics of Theresa May in her leather trousers.

    Hmm…not sure her hair suits that look.

    When you decide to go grey, you should do it the right way.

    Clothes go hand in hand with hair.

    Both are part of the same package.

    Here’s a close up of what her hair looks like.

    She has rather coarse, wiry, grey hair, which makes her look years older than her actual age.

    The colour doesn’t do her complexion any favours, either..

    I presume she can afford a good hairdresser, her hair could look much better than that.

    Shame, as she seems tall and slim, which means she can pull off almost anything clotheswise.


    Part 2 to follow.





    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by  Freesia.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by  Freesia.
    1 member liked this post.

    The real question is, who’s the bigger fashionista? May or Merkel?

    May  has better fashion sense, but they both need to change their hairdresser, as the one’s they currently have  is doing them no favours.


    The real question is, who’s the bigger fashionista? May or Merkel?

    May has better fashion sense, but they both need to change their hairdresser, as the one’s they currently have is doing them no favours.

    ones not one’s * ;-)

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