Boards Index General discussion Getting serious FAO Sceptical ( The EU reincarnation of Mister Q)

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  • #1111376

    Back lol. The little dweeb has been hiding in the bushes.

    funny….man claims to be mention of name..poof..magic..appears..


    Carry on q..old fake news. LMAO….


    Back lol. The little dweeb has been hiding in the bushes.

    funny….man claims to be mention of name..poof..magic..appears..

    Carry on q..old fake news. LMAO….

    Seriously why are you so nasty?

    Misterq defended you for so long when no one wanted to know you.

    Linda, its not everyone else who needs help, its you.

    Look at your remarks on the boards, really look at them.  You are proper insulting and nasty.

    We all used to pick through your comments before and seek for anything that made sense, i mean for some of us it took a good 45 minutes but by the end of it we all thought ohhhh yeah ok now we know what she means but lately all your comments are just really nasty.

    I will set you a challenge so you can prove me wrong.

    How about you start a really good thread engaging other chatters to contribute and converse in a really nice productive way.

    Instead of you just being a total **** about other people on theirs?



    Arty, if I may call you Arty….. Yours and Linda’s differences are between you two as far as I’m concerned, I’ve never really known how it started or why, or when,etc etc…. My point here is Mister Q hasn’t posted for a good while, I’ve not mentioned him, talked about him during his absence or since his return, I’ve made 1 post on this thread, a mainly self depreciating post just to lighten the mood, and yet up pops Q , restarting his ” Hate Moosey” campaign, whats all that about ? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset or concerned and I’m no angel, I can give as good as I get anytime, should I chose to… I just have to wonder why this blatant attack just gets overlooked ? I mean surely that was nasty ??? I can only assume I made him look or feel a bit stupid over something, I know I can be quite cutting, for him to feel the need to vent out of the blue..?  hey and yes I’m sure I do talk shite at times, but I’m hardly alone there am I ? lol  well he can crack on attacking all he likes, apart from it being creepy I don’t give a shite ( a word he likes )  I guess my point , you may like him but he is invariably nasty about people for no apparent reason, why is it ok ?  :unsure:   :bye:


    instead of  you being a total **** about other people on theirs”

    Isn’t that what he just did ? ?  :scratch:

    I could kind of understand it had he had a go at the author of the thread ,in fact why hasn’t he ??

    hmmmm….. I wonder..   B-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  mooosey88.

    Arty, if I may call you Arty….. Yours and Linda’s differences are between you two as far as I’m concerned, I’ve never really known how it started or why, or when,etc etc…. My point here is Mister Q hasn’t posted for a good while, I’ve not mentioned him, talked about him during his absence or since his return, I’ve made 1 post on this thread, a mainly self depreciating post just to lighten the mood, and yet up pops Q , restarting his ” Hate Moosey” campaign, whats all that about ? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset or concerned and I’m no angel, I can give as good as I get anytime, should I chose to… I just have to wonder why this blatant attack just gets overlooked ? I mean surely that was nasty ??? I can only assume I made him look or feel a bit stupid over something, I know I can be quite cutting, for him to feel the need to vent out of the blue..? hey and yes I’m sure I do talk shite at times, but I’m hardly alone there am I ? lol well he can crack on attacking all he likes, apart from it being creepy I don’t give a shite ( a word he likes ) I guess my point , you may like him but he is invariably nasty about people for no apparent reason, why is it ok ? :unsure: :bye:



    wow i only said hi


    Sorry, not sure if you got my point 🤔

    to clarify, you feel that Linda attacks people ( or makes snidey comments for no reason on other people’s posts / threads ) just re stating your words there, yet no one notices him doing the same thing ?  Why is it ok for him to do it and not Linda ( in your opinion that is ). That was all I was asking ? It wasn’t an attack on you.

    Ever tried to sleep thru hail storm with a glass roof ?

    Night again xx :bye:


    Sorry, to just clarify I think you ( people ) notice what is personal to us, you / we pick up on things people say because there is a personal  ( thing ) going on. Ie: between you and Linda, where as others being nasty for no reason goes un-noticed because it doesn’t hit home as much, not just you everyone, it’s human nature, he is still a nasty prick tho 😵🤐


    Fair enough, point acknowledged.


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    I blame rude boy for q’s return.

    He’s obviously scanning this place now and again, and all he has to do is notice the title of this thread and he’s back.

    I noticed that he’s back with his usual abuse, as though the world hasn’t changed since he was last here. Also the same boring tactics used last time – just write LMAO and people start to write reams in response.

    Well, I’ve avoided mention of him since he returned, and hopefully this is the last time I mention him again because the man is unusually uninteresting.. let him write LMAO all he likes after any post * :unsure:

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