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  • #526387

    I already have solicitors… a Geordie firm by the name of Haddaway and Shite


    I’,m surprised at your choosing Geordie solicitors…

    what’s wrong with a bad Mackem solicitor like Grabbe, Bungle and Headbutte?


    Cause no Mackem would spell headbutt the way you did


    and anyway it’s not even mildly amusing unlike Haddaway and Shite


    was just trying to maintain the standard of humour here


    Well try harder


    I touched a nerve..sorry


    no need to be sorry it wasn’t a barbed reply…no intonation in the typed word unfortunately


    @trapper wrote:

    no need to be sorry it wasn’t a barbed reply…no intonation in the typed word unfortunately

    oh, but Mr T, that isn’t true, as a moment’s thought would reveal to you.

    Intonation is very much in the typed word, but in the eyes rather than the ears of the beholder, and often the intonation says something very different to the one addressed than it does to the one addressing. Examples are the person trying to be offensive or not? Conclusions can be reached very quickly, depending on the mood at the time of reading.

    I find the humour on the boards to be occasionally funny, but not usually. Others find them hilarious – maybe.

    That’s what can lead to the Mackem headbutte(r) being applied after the Geordie headbutt, and from there straight to the dozy cozy lawyer.


    Thats misunderstanding and perhaps assumption.. maybe a liberal dose of emoticons may have helped :?

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