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  • #20324

    It is now possible.

    With the cutting of legal aid and solicitors refusing legal aid-type cases concerning family courts, you can hire unqualified lawyers from DIY Law Shop and McKenzie Friends 4U (not domestic violence cases).

    Their moving spirit is said to be a nightclub bouncer called Nigel Baggaley.

    He called his noted female solicitor opposite “a f*cking lying slag”, and apparently threatened to headbutt a male barrister opposing him.

    The Honourable Mr Baggaley has been banned from acting as a McKenzie Friend. The judge told him that a Court of Law was not the entrance to a nightclub – lol

    This development is likely to change the face of courtroom dramas like Judge John Deed – :D :D

    Otherwise, the system is going to seize up. Suspects in Liverpool and Leeds must be accompanied by a lawyer when interviewed by the Pig Lane Rozzers (for obvious reasons) and with lawyers refusing the job, suspects will be sent home. Teesside and Leicester solicitors are refuting to join the action. Otherwise, the legal system is likely to be silting up.

    Just the job for Cosy.

    Be careful, though, Cosy Toes. Mrs Gofradump is still after ya, and court proceedings would be well and truly disrupted if she finds ya :cry: :cry: :cry:


    Thought they cut legal aid years ago?
    I like the headbutting approach…..


    legal aid is still going i used them last year for headbutting an usherette.


    it was her fault she kept coming up to me while i was trying to concentrate on brokeback mountain
    popcorn sir popcorn?
    i said i will give you popcorn bang! now fck off :x


    they announced their plans for Legal Aid ages ago, but it was actually cut by nearly 9% from today.

    McKenzie lawyers have been around since 1970 in family law cases. They are friends of the plaintiff, often charities.

    McKenzie Lawyers 4U charge fees, and often hefty ones.

    Sorry, m’lady, but I am informed that headbutting a lawyer doesn’t apparently help your case with a judge – unless the judge is someone like me, concerned that his head may be the next target.


    so laughing at head butting an usherette , now that was funny no wonder i adore u cosy lol :D


    yeh claire but i felt dead sorry for her blood streaming down her broken snotter,i took her home and wiped her gargantuan nose with a bit of andrex,we made lurve all through the night,i had barry white on repeat.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    yeh claire but i felt dead sorry for her blood streaming down her broken snotter,i took her home and wiped her gargantuan nose with a bit of andrex,we made lurve all through the night,i had barry white on repeat.


    has posy gone off on one again, he hurts my horse brain


    i think darren the horse wants yr shclong cosy he deffo stalking u lol

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