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  • #199738

    @rubyred wrote:

    i havnt got bloody red hair ffs LOL..

    What colour is it then? Because in the collage, it looks red, and it isn’t just me who thinks that

    Anyway, why come on this thread and type, “stop stalking me” to something that wasn’t even about that. You are mentally insane. The user you referred to, only replied to this topic without mentioning your name…You ARE a very weird individual, Ruby.

    ps: are you on any medication?


    @*Sian* wrote:

    ROBBO are you on drugs or do you have a serious hangover? Dear one :? :lol: :lol: FFS you sound about 70, lil granpappy groove :lol: :lol:

    It was quite obvious that some idiot like you would reply to my post at some point :roll:

    Nah…I don’t always get hangovers….Did you go out this weekend, or did you spend the night in your place, drinking a bottle of vodka, like you do :wink:


    @*Sian* wrote:

    @robbo wrote:

    @*Sian* wrote:

    ROBBO are you on drugs or do you have a serious hangover? Dear one :? :lol: :lol: FFS you sound about 70, lil granpappy groove :lol: :lol:

    It was quite obvious that some idiot like you would reply to my post at some point :roll:

    Nah…I don’t always get hangovers….Did you go out this weekend, or did you spend the night in your place, drinking a bottle of vodka, like you do :wink:

    Hook lined and sinkered 8) 8)(and he calls me the idiot) :lol: I masturbated with my voddie bottle, had great pleasure from the fresh air when I opened my window, Yay! I went out.

    But you didn’t bait me, silly :wink:. I was answering your question…So yes, you are the idiot :lol:


    Oh to be sians vodka bottle =P~ 8-[ :wink:


    @*Sian* wrote:

    Nah ROBBO you was trying the belittling tactic, making out I am a sad f*ck with no life, Come on, let me hear your age old line that you are never online and you have a “real” life, that makes me laugh. :lol:
    If you want to use a language of a 70 yr old dear, that is your perogative :wink: I was just having a laugh, nothing personal, you bit. I wonder how you got that to being offensive :lol:

    You ASKED me a question, I replied..Surely that is why you put the question mark, yes? :wink:

    I wasn’t trying anything, Sian…If you think you are a sad with no life, then that’s your problem…Because I sure as hell wasn’t making you out that way, silly…Are you THAT paranoid about your own life? If you are, then do something about it..It’s you who comes on here, claiming you are pi.ssed on almost a daily basis, or used to come on here throwing the odds about your drinking problem…That is all I referred too, nothing else :wink:


    @*Sian* wrote:

    ROBBO don’t be throwing you shyte round, :lol: You are a sad twerp, I happen to think being on a pc as part of my life isn’t sad, you are the one that calls everyone sad f*cks for being on a PC with No life :lol:

    Well OBVIOUSLY I didn’t say that, Sian, due to millions of people who use a computer….But I personally think your type are sad for many reasons, and one reason being that you boast about getting drunk on almost a daily basis..I feel sorry for your children, having a drunken mum and all….I wouldn’t really call you a responsible mum, would you?

    Did I hit a nerve? Oh well….


    @*Sian* wrote:

    :lol: :lol: Hahahaha no nerve hit, because I go out on a weekend this makes me sad? bad mother?

    If you actually knew me I would listen to your comments but seeing as you are a little boy on the end of a screen the I shall just dismiss anything you say :wink:

    You are like plasticine, fun to start with but all mixed up and dry by the end Zzzzzzzz :lol:

    So you NEVER drink in the week? So basically you were lying? At the end of the day…You are a poor mother…And I despise any mother who drinks on a daily basis when they have children… And don’t say that you just drink on weekends or whatever, because I remember a time when you used to tell us all that you were drunk on almost a daily basis…And as for boasting about it..Well…I can’t even put that into words, Sian…


    Robbo your attempts at flaming are poor, give it up before you make yourself look like a complete tw@t :roll:


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    Robbo your attempts at flaming are poor, give it up before you make yourself look like a complete tw@t :roll:

    Oh Lucky…Calling me a poor flamer is an upsetting thing to say :cry:

    You should check who actually started this off, before throwing your accusations around, Lucky….Did my comments about Scottish people the other day upset you that much? :wink:

    ps: it isn’t me looking the idiot here, Lucky..Because everything Ia have said is true, and especially about the drinking thing..


    lol your comment about the Scots didnt upset me at all… you didnt seriously think it would did you? :shock:

    Anyway with regards to the drinking thing, I know for a fact Sian doesnt get blitzed when her kids are around, not that she needs to explain herself to you or anyone else for that matter.

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