well here you go i was on my own last night and got my very first pm
it said(soz i dont do links anymore) why dont you come back tof3
i sez no ty,i wudntgo back there for a gold clock
the participant said to me well me and my mrs will consider,,paying you a retainer fee cose
to get ourboards buzzing
i said howmuch?
he said bouta tennera day
i said%%%you %%%%
so he splutterd yehbut you get free membership as well ,imlike%%%%youdaft %%%%anywaycant name names, imaware ofchat siterules
andthere is no way,id divulge anybodys name inhere
so isaid martin can we leave this tillthe morning,,,im a bit tired cock
blessyer,,go on upthe wooden hill with yer aka get tofcknbed, you act
like you own this site
anybody else got any goss luv goss me
anything will do a bit of tittle here a bit off tattle there
ty .