Ok, it appears we have more than one degenerate seeking to disrupt our discussion. Gazz being the level headed man he is, will continue regardless.
So, this magical white powder, or powdered gold with these mystical powers to transcend the laws of physics… It appears the kings of hold had either far superior knowledge or they were influenced by an external supernatural source… we have touched on the 666 denoted in the scriptures in various accounts….there are some, who have calculated the 666 number of the beast to allude to the catholic system… this has been worked out using the gematria method. On looking at one of these calculations, it would appear ” the hour of the lord is upon us ” so to speak…. to my understanding of the calculation this pope benedict is now a ” short period ” before the initial stages of armageddon…. ” repent ” you spawn of the devil….just kiddin…. to be continued 8)