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  • #8745

    BBC Radio 1 has decided to dub the word faggot from The Pogues hit Christmas record, A Fairy Tale In New York.

    After 20 years they have deemed that this record is now offensive!

    Political correctness gone mad… :?:


    What about Brain’s Faggots? They gonna ban them too?

    I love ’em wiv chips!


    @gymtastic wrote:

    What about Brain’s Faggots? They gonna ban them too?

    I love ’em wiv chips!

    FFS I have Brian in my head again! Brains, Brians… :twisted: :lol:


    Yep its true, was on Scott Mills on Radio 1 last evening. How bizarre!!


    On the face of it this was a bit of a surprise …. particularly as the BBC clearly considered this to be an appropriate song for Christmas.

    The actual words are:

    You scumbag, you maggot;
    You cheap lousy faggot;
    Happy Christmas your arse,
    I pray God it’s our last.

    The amazing this is that they play it at all, since the words of this so-called song are hardly ”family friendly” and certainly not the sort of thing that you wqould want a young child to hear just before Christmas (the season of goodwill etc etc).

    Still I suppose that this is what we now expect from that bunch of homosexual, politically correct left wing socialists that calls itself the BBC


    the BBC have now changed their mind and have decided to lift the ban. :D


    its a load of boll.ocks…the song is class 8)


    i just saw this poll on bbc news

    Should radio stations censor The Pogues’ Fairytale of New York?
    7.21% <<<<<<< tw.ats

    5616 Votes Cast


    @pats wrote:

    the BBC have now changed their mind and have decided to lift the ban. :D

    FAGGOTS….. :roll:


    On the 6pm news on the radio they said the ban was staying. Has it changed since then Pebbles?

    They had gay people ringing in demanding the ban be lifted

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