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6 January, 2017 at 5:59 pm #1018969
Has anyone else noticed the distinct lack of conversation & banter in the room of late ?
Aside from th hi’s & byes there is little to no conversation anymore.
I personally was attacked the other night because I dared to say Hi to Jamie F ! Got a right barrage called 2 faced & blah blah. Ironicly by someone I have defended on many occasion.
I say Hi to almost anyone. Lots of things I am but 2 faced isn’t one of them.
If we never spoke to all the chatters that had been banned or had words with others – JC wouldn’t exist anymore.
It’s pathetic. At this rate JC is going to be wiped out.
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6 January, 2017 at 6:09 pm #1018970some will only chat to me in pm for fear of retribution, not adding anything else to this because the above is a stark fact.
6 January, 2017 at 6:09 pm #1018971I agree. There appears to be two distinct camps of chatters who are permanently at odds with each other and neither camp appears to be willing to iggy the other and then there are those in the background (who are far worse) scuttling about stirring the proverbial S, creating even more tension between those two distinct camps.
Edit* Which is why I only go in these days, when neither camp is there.
6 January, 2017 at 6:14 pm #1018974And there’s the ones who wind it up watch it kick then say I didn’t say anything. That’s the sad ones
6 January, 2017 at 6:15 pm #1018975I agree. There appears to be two distinct camps of chatters who are permanently at odds with each other and neither camp appears to be willing to iggy the other and then there are those in the background (who are far worse) scuttling about stirring the proverbial S, creating even more tension between those two distinct camps.
Oh I love my iggy who wants to watch certain chatter whitter on .. having said that they have as much right as anyone to be in the room.
It’s simple ignore those that you feel the need too . It makes for a quieter life for everyone & a nicer place to chat.
6 January, 2017 at 6:24 pm #1018976Totally agree Arc, I iggy on sight certain chatters but when the whole conversation is a b*tchfest (blokes and women) it just drains all the positive energy from the room and like Laine said PM is the only refuge. For me though that defeats my reasons for going in, a bit of banter and a harmless flirt.
6 January, 2017 at 6:47 pm #1018977Where there’s people some will never get on. Simples
6 January, 2017 at 6:53 pm #1018978I have to agree with most of the above. The chat (unless it’s being unpleasant about someone) is non existant of late, which is a real shame.
I remember laughing my socks off at some of the conversations that went on – that seems to be a rare event now.
It was never exclusive though, people would chip in and add to the mayhem, maybe even stir it up a bit but not in a bad way.
The constant going on about name changers doesn’t help. So what if someone comes in using a different name each time? As long as they’re not there to abuse, who cares? I don’t.
It’s all a bit of a shame really.
6 January, 2017 at 6:54 pm #1018979I use instant iggy too, no point not doing it, but still no quiet chat, so someone is either namechanging or double logged, and relaying totally out of context text to some, then apparently the room erupts, I see comments from chatters not on iggy who I deem friendly, and as shr rightly said it descends into a bitchfest.
an example? I was having a convo with someone and mentioned a book I had read, the book is why men prefer bitches, I relayed a line from the book to the chatter and apparently via the namechanger or double logged person I had called someone I put on instant ignore a lazy bitch…… which I hadn’t. but ……… the room went into total hell and apparently I was called everything under the sun. someone pm’d me to ask why they were attacking me, I could only tell the person I had no idea because I cant see them, they cant see me, I use ignore.
one thing is for sure. it needs sorting.
sorry this is a rambling post but I needed it said. forgive me for my honesty.
I’m sure one of them will need to fry me for it
6 January, 2017 at 7:22 pm #1018982For some reason, nearly every thread on here ends up with someone being unpleasant to another. I just don’t get it. Are people only happy when they’re getting one up on someone else?
It’s a chat room! It’s not real life! I know for some their online life spills over to their real life and that’s fine – that’s your choice, but it’s getting to the point where you almost need to wear gang colours and pledge your allegiance to one faction or another. Say hello to one person, another will berate you for it. It really is beyond ridiculous. Get a grip!!
Not everyone will get along with each other, that’s a given but why can’t people just be adult?
If you don’t like someone, do what you’d do in life – just ignore them. Don’t show what an arse you are by constantly digging and goading, trying to get a reaction. The only person who looks an idiot is you.
(The above goes for the boards too btw….
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