Boards Index General discussion The locker room Exercise bike or road cycle ?

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  • #1143456

    As you know I’m an early adopter of a e bike :yahoo:

    Is it better to have an exercise bike or road cycle?  They both cost around the same.

    Exercise bikes have all the comfort of home. A bathroom close by, tv to watch and no rain  B-)

    Cycling means traffic, wet and lyca.  People kick well of you take a poo in the road.  Try and have a wee and they report you for flashing  :cry:

    I did have an exercise bike for years…the only exercise I got was moving it around  :yes:

    Over all if you’re trying to get a little fitter maybe trying out a gym for a month is a better idea.  Its better to spend 30 notes and then give up than £300 on a bike.

    As for me, I take a morning swim at the local pool twice a week.  :bye:






    Brighton billionaire quibbles between forking out a measly pittance of £300 for a road ‘cycle’ or even worse a £30 home exercise bike and asks for advice about it online.

    My advice is at that extremely low price both are completely shite in comparison to the advanced technology readily available out there for a man of your considerable wealth.

    Of course, being a billionaire surely you would just buy both anyway and already have a home gym full of the latest advanced tech gym equipment and a garage full of top-of-the-range carbon road ‘cycles’ (or Mtb ) costing upwards of 5 grand each.

    This chump wants to spend £300. For a mediocre frame, mediocre wheels, mediocre tires, mediocre brakes, mediocre chainset, mediocre gears, and mediocre everything else.


    Mediocre, just like him.


    Stick to swimming you fat useless twat.


    Hmmmm…. where to start on that  :scratch:

    Lets start off with cheap bikes.

    They say a cycle is nicked twice a min in Brighton.  No matter how good the lock, the thieves always find a way.  You leave a grand worth of cycle outside tescos…you know its going to go.

    And do you really need a good cycle or one that just works?

    I’ve never had a bike that’s rusted thru yet. The Dutch bikes I see here are built for comfort not speed. They don’t even have just peddle backwards  :yes:

    I’m not a fan of them  :whistle:

    Exercise bikes are always coming up on ebay or gumtree.  People buy them with good intentions and never use them  :bye:









    As the owner of a modestly decentish ‘bike’ who rides well over 100 miles a week and with most major parts upgraded why the fuck would I, or anyone else come to that, be stupid enough to invest in a cheap lock to protect it during the rare times I leave it unsupervised.

    “I have just invested x amount on a front suspension upgrade but I’ll recoup some of that expense back by forking out £10 for a shit combination lock on eBay.”

    Yes, that makes perfect sense…

    Or even leave my expensive ‘bike’ in known hotspots in Brighton for crooks to thieve it given the right time of day or night, enough time in general and a cordless disc cutter, etc.

    No professional bike thief, no matter how competent, is going to have the time required to steal a well-protected bike in the time it takes to get a few bits and bobs in ‘Tesco’.

    Is this clown using his shit £10 lock to secure his ‘Chopper’ (with tassels) onto a shopping trolley!

    “They will never steal my bike it is secured to 100 trolleys.”

    Making more interest on his billions in a single week than most people earn in a lifetime and the poor chap is petrified his cheap £300 Halford bike gets nicked at ‘Tesco’.

    Why the fuckerydoodaa is the Brighton billionaire personally shopping in ‘Tesco’ anyway. Hoping to have a nice chat with his bestie mate Bill Gates on the chilled aisle?


    The man has no class at all.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  Ge.

    Well I’m sure those 900 people who lost there bikes invested in good locks too.


    Our bike thief’s invested in cordless bolt cutters to compensate.








    Hundreds of thousands of bikes are stolen each year.

    Stupid people just like you give professional bike thieves permission to steal them. You park in known hotspots. You park in dimly lit areas. You don’t double lock with platinum-rated locks. You don’t secure the bike to an immovable object. You don’t park in busy well lit areas with CCTV. You don’t secure quick-release wheels and saddles. You don’t chip your bikes. You don’t use trackers and a multitude of readily available technology to deter thieves.


    You are just stupid.


    I wish that was true  :yahoo:

    Most of them go in the day light and in office hours. No one really takes much notice of person in a hi vis jacket with a tool box and van  :yes:

    With all the noise on the roads…even an angle grinder wont draw attention  ;-)

    You need to face it hun, bike thief’s aren’t scruffy teenagers or drug addicts…. its a business   B-)




    You need to face it hun, bike thief’s aren’t scruffy teenagers or drug addicts…. its a business

    Do you suppose that’s why I just described them as professional bike thieves 1958585 times?

    “My local Tesco in Brighton is a well-known hotspot for bike theft by professional thieves and so rather than just get off my lazy arse and stroll down there I cruise down instead on my Chopper (with tassels)…

    Why even go to the bother of securing it outside Tesco “hun”. Just bend over, take a deep breath, take it like a man, and just hand it over to them.

    You stick to riding your very basic Chopper (with tassels) and I’ll stick to riding my very luxurious Fat Bob.



    Oh that sooooOOOOoooo hurt hun  :cry:

    And I use a Windgoo, I’m too lazy to peddle petal ;-)

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