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8 April, 2008 at 10:15 am #9842
I read this today, and I honestly can,t beleive it. How could anyone, especially a mother, be so bloody evil? ffs. Women like her and Shannon Mathews “mother” should be sterilsed. They arn,t fit to have puppies let alone kids. :evil: :evil: :evil:
link8 April, 2008 at 10:36 am #324323They say she is not mentally ill but doesn’t this sound like munchenhausen syndrome by proxy ? isnt that an illness or maybe she is just evil !! :twisted:
8 April, 2008 at 10:54 am #324324@(f)politics? wrote:
They say she is not mentally ill but doesn’t this sound like munchenhausen syndrome by proxy ? isnt that an illness or maybe she is just evil !! :twisted:
thats that attention so called disorder eh,,,, sorry but I find that story very distressing, but worried about the GP’s n hospital to give out medication on a mothers say so..!! plus it said they did full medicals on that poor kids, surely if nothing found why the hell was presricbe medicion been given in the first place..!! that poor child… i think the doctors should be questioned also..!!!
8 April, 2008 at 2:11 pm #324325It IS a tragic tale, and that woman is a Grade A nutjob for sure. But I have to be honest, after reading the whole article, the thing that REALLY resonated with me was that the judge’s name is Les Spittle.
13 April, 2008 at 6:17 pm #324326This mother has got SERIOUS abandonment issues.
just goes to show that some doctors will prescribe pills for anything these days without fully looking into someones health.
I mean prescribing drugs for epilepsy is one thing, but how the hell did she convince doctors that he couldnt walk?? He was apparantly seen by paediatricians seven times but they couldnt find any explanation for his illness, so in other words, they couldnt diagnose but gave the mother drugs for him anyway! I’m seriously losing faith in the NHS, through my own and other family members experiences.
Thank god that the paramedics became suspicious, otherwise the child could’ve been kept like this for god knows how many more years, or even killed.
Psychiatrists who examined the woman said that she was not mentally ill!!! Oh come on, shes a nut job!
13 April, 2008 at 6:42 pm #324327I read this last week, this world we live in never ceases to amaze me
13 April, 2008 at 7:19 pm #324328mabey shes just a benefit freak who is claiming £300.00 per week to keep her in fags and vodka. she should be flogged in public and then be thrown out of her house. evil biaaaaach.. :twisted:
13 April, 2008 at 7:27 pm #324329@waspish wrote:
mabey shes just a benefit freak who is claiming £300.00 per week to keep her in fags and vodka. she should be flogged in public and then be thrown out of her house. evil biaaaaach.. :twisted:
steady on :lol:
13 April, 2008 at 7:56 pm #324330waspish pray tell ? where IS this Nirvana you keep going on about,where folks get £300 a mention it a lot,yet i have never heard of folks getting such benefits. I have packed and ready to move.
13 April, 2008 at 10:25 pm #324331Aww poor little sod. I really hope he doesnt suffer long term, it doesnt bare thinking about.
I hope he gets a nice home, and does become independant, Im concerned that may now be difficult for him after going through all that.
Lots of councelling and TLC needed.
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