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  • #241339

    good point catz. i just stated a few points in my posts where not ALL teachers or obviously as dedicated as the ones u know. there are good and bad teachers as well as kids. the ones who are *tired….depressed..or fooked off cos they didnt get a sh/ag last nite*.shouldnt take it out on 4 and 8 yr olds in class next day. :wink:


    Fact is we always hear of the “bad pupils” who hit teachers,punch,spit etc etc but 90% of classrooms are full of pupils who want to learn. So all this teachers have power *choke* is right they do have power more than pupils. We had a huge pupil in my year massive (not overweight) he used to upset the whole room and intimidate teachers he was removed from our school and yes there will always be someone to fill there shoes but they are dealt with. There some gobby kids in my year but the teachers were nasty they would swear at us. You might think well they did in those days but i am 25 been left school 9 years and it is appauling that we were put on report for swearing when the lad next to you is being called a b@stard parasite!! At 13 they are to set examples and that is why my kids wont be going to the school i left!


    Even the schools with great ofted results are now getting bad

    I made sure both mine didnt end up as thick as pig s ite like me

    My 15 year old is in her last year worriing already about getting A grades she come home many night does all her home work while elling me how the teachers carnt control the kids

    Last term my hubby wrote to the school she was with out 3 teatchers in mains studies

    the pely he got back was a joke but she loves it there

    As she says if they want to act the prat and not get a job thats up to them i can still stuide and be in the classes

    But why should she have to struddle to me taught because of unruly brats

    And wat makes it worse is they give reward pionts to the brats and f00k all to the kids who try hard day after day


    It’s obvious from the posts on here from the women , that they are against any teacher control (Catz excluded)
    No wonder the education system is going to the dogs
    I can just imagine all you women if you kids were in the Army – don’t shout at my kid Sergeant major – he can’t peel spuds – it will ruin his hands etc etc

    No wonder the young generation now are hte most spoiled molly coddled drug ridden , drink ridden bunch of no hopers ever , with parents like you lot



    @drivel wrote:

    It’s obvious from the posts on here from the women , that they are against any teacher control (Catz excluded)
    No wonder the education system is going to the dogs
    I can just imagine all you women if you kids were in the Army – don’t shout at my kid Sergeant major – he can’t peel spuds – it will ruin his hands etc etc

    No wonder the young generation now are hte most spoiled molly coddled drug ridden , drink ridden bunch of no hopers ever , with parents like you lot

    No Drivel you are completly missing the point here. The point is, that the teacher in question went, IMO, way over the top. The punishment did not fit the “crime”. Teaching children to respect their teachers is only right..teaching children discipline is only right. I respected my teachers and that is down to the way my parents brought me up. I know about discipline too, again thats how I was brought up. My dad used to be a copper so I certainly know about discipline. This wasnt discipline. This was IMO, an abuse of her position and an abuse of power. She did it because she could, and she even apparantly said, she did it for a joke. To have that kind of treatment on your first day at senior school is dreadful, IMO. If you have a postition of power, like teaching etc, you dont abuse it just because you can. The poor kid was reduced to tears whilst his fellow class mates looked on and laughed at him. Can you honestly not see anything wrong with that? Do you think it,s a joke too? I,ts the same kind of principle of having “power” if you like as the guides here. I,m sure most of you know that I,m a guide here. I dont go around ejecting people just because I can. I do it if necessary. You tell kids off it,s it,s necessary, not just just because you can. If I booted people just because I can I,d expect and deserve to be told off and quite rightly so. I,m not against teacher control Drivel, but I am against bullying and people abusing their “power” or postion. I,ts wrong. IMO.


    I can’t believe you cinsider 10 press ups – bullying or demeaning or whatever

    It’s nothing – if no one had made a fuss over it it would be forgotten , buried

    Stop the mollycoddling – it’s a tough world out there , if a kid can’t hack 10 press ups then there’s no chance for him


    Well it’s quite obvious from all the posts that this teacher is a common thug and a bully. What they did amounted to an assault on an innocent little child and they should be reported for it and made to pay the price.

    This child has clearly been traumatised for life, mocked in front of its classmates and will no doubt be bullied in the playground for years to come. Any chance it might have had to learn something at school has been completely undermined by this action. It will probably end up flipping burgers, cleaning streets, stacking shelves in a supermarket, or being a builder’s labourer or whatever. It could have been a doctor, accountant, lawyer, businessman, research scientist or whatever – but no chance of that now – its life has been ruined.

    The parents should march straight down to the school and give this bullying teacher a taste of their own medecine. Punch then right in the face and break their nose. Then let’s see how they feel with their own blood pouring all down their front.

    They clearly aren’t fit to teach and should lose their job and be thrown out of their house onto the street. THAT will make them think twice before they make an innocent little child do 10 press ups and get laughed at.



    And at this point I give up. Feel free to argue amongst yourselves. :roll: :roll:


    OR in scouSers term scool,,,,,,,today their “2 soft” kids gettin away with every thing,teachers doing nothing,,,,,,

    why, being told off would have not made any differants, !!!!!!!!!!! they are their to listen,,,,, so the kid should have,, LISTENED,,, in my day it, was slapp across the ear hole, then er understud

    ALFIE BETical order u little pest, get in line… lol their should also be school on sundays

    7 days aweek till midnight,,,,,,,,doing line or press up till they drop, work them hard, less holidays,,,,,,, no speaking in class, today they do not know<<<<<<< just how lucky they R


    @fergie50 wrote:

    OR in scouSers term scool,,,,,,,today their “2 soft” kids gettin away with every thing,teachers doing nothing,,,,,,

    why, being told off would have not made any differants, !!!!!!!!!!! they are their to listen,,,,, so the kid should have,, LISTENED,,, in my day it, was slapp across the ear hole, then er understud

    ALFIE BETical order u little pest, get in line… lol their should also be school on sundays

    7 days aweek till midnight,,,,,,,,doing line or press up till they drop, work them hard, less holidays,,,,,,, no speaking in class, today they do not know<<<<<<< just how lucky they R

    Judging by the standards of your written English I bet you’ve done many a press up in your time… :lol: You’re a prime example of how this form of punishment doesnt work and belongs in the army not in our schools.

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