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  • #241379

    Owen, how does it feel to have the heat taken off you? :lol: I am glad to be of service. :wink:



    @peeved wrote:

    I just have opinions, my posts get deleted because I haven’t got the same thought process as alot of the sheep on here. I have flicked through some of the debates and it seems that only my insults have been removed, whilst others have been left, double standards, yet again, it seems. I do not think my opinions are better, just don’t think that some peoples opinions are well thought out or logical.

    We all have opinions Peeved, god forbid we should all be the same, there’d be no JC for a start………OMG!!! :shock: If, though, you think your posts are being deleted for no good reason, then take it up with the powers that be.

    And by the way……………………….I for one, don’t!! believe that all those canes, smacks etc., didn’t do you any harm, quite the opposite in fact.


    @peeved wrote:

    Owen, how does it feel to have the heat taken off you? :lol: I am glad to be of service. :wink:

    It highlights a ongoing problem. Thankyou. :wink:
    Most come here to debate, waffle or just for the company.
    The others spoil it.


    @cas wrote:

    @peeved wrote:

    I just have opinions, my posts get deleted because I haven’t got the same thought process as alot of the sheep on here. I have flicked through some of the debates and it seems that only my insults have been removed, whilst others have been left, double standards, yet again, it seems. I do not think my opinions are better, just don’t think that some peoples opinions are well thought out or logical.

    We all have opinions Peeved, god forbid we should all be the same, there’d be no JC for a start………OMG!!! :shock: If, though, you think your posts are being deleted for no good reason, then take it up with the powers that be.

    And by the way……………………….I for one, don’t!! believe that all those canes, smacks etc., didn’t do you any harm, quite the opposite in fact.

    How can you make that assumption when you don’t even know me? Just wondering? :wink:


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    When I first joined comprehensive school I called the music teacher by his first name, (the first name was passed on to me by my older brother).

    The music teacher, Mr (Fred) Minchin, grabbed me by the throat and pinned me halfway up the wall. :shock:

    I didn’t mess with him again. 8)

    oh bad Mr Minchin!!!!

    once when we were at registration, a kid walked in and trod accidently on another kids foot. the kid called out ouch, and the teacher called him a wimp.

    i got up and went up to the teacher and with full weight and force shoved my foot onto his toes…… steam came out of his ears and he threw me across the science bench!! (we had those long ones, the length of the class! i picked myself up and he grabbed me away for a private chat.

    in the private chat room, he prodded me in the head with his finger shouting “what is going on in your head?” the prodding was in time with his words…. i remember it well. i said dunno, but sir, you made a fuss about somebody else making a fuss and i wanted to show you that matty (purely coincidence matty) made a fuss cos he was hurt…..

    he told me to come back after school. i spent the whole day worrying. not once about his reaction, but about the consequences for me (teachers are in charge and must be respected in my eyes) would he phone my mum? would i get suspended?

    he was cool…. and it was forgotten and we had quite a laugh about it over the forthcoming years and i was one of his most successful pupils in exams.

    I am in no way condoning what this teacher (the subject of this thread) did, but am pointing out that our line in thinking has changed so much since the human rights act… we all think this is wrong and that is wrong when in fact we are wrong.

    if my teacher had told my parents they would have punished me. they wouldnt have gone stomping up the school for a row…. how embarrasing for me would that have been!

    i look through my eyes and through my boys eyes and then make a judgment.

    bullying is different to disclipline. when you are in a class you are under the charge of the teacher, who should be treated with the utmost respect.

    when you are being bullied, you should be able to access the correct procedures on how to deal with it at the school.

    i never go in my youngest’s playground anymore when i drop him off… why? cos i cant take listening to all the mums gossiping about nothing…. and nothing can turn into something as quick as you can call me essex girl… its a scary place. :wink:

    i look out for my boys, but i let the teachers do their job. :wink:



    How can you make that assumption when you don’t even know me? Just wondering?

    More an observation Peeved, than an assumption :wink:


    @cas wrote:

    How can you make that assumption when you don’t even know me? Just wondering?

    More an observation Peeved, than an assumption :wink:

    You fools, really make me laugh, this is the INTERNET!! Hear me? The INTERNET I say! :lol: Observe away, nothing stopping you… enjoy.


    @geoff wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @peeved wrote:

    Owen, how does it feel to have the heat taken off you? :lol: I am glad to be of service. :wink:

    It highlights a ongoing problem. Thankyou. :wink:
    Most come here to debate, waffle or just for the company.
    The others spoil it.

    Unlike your new buddy ‘peeved’? Who has nothing but good points and sensible debate to put across? I can see where you’re coming from, absolutely! :lol:

    :lol: Sorry Owen, looks like it is your turn again.


    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…

    Surely something you would never do is it… :wink:

    :? Ermm yes I would post what I thought on a thread …

    As I have, just wondered if you had any opinion Geoff. All I’ve read so far is you dissing others. So you see it may be interesting to actually have your “take” on this as opposed to just a slag fest.

    Do you get my meaning?

    Soooo seeing as you have taken this thread in so much and you’ve seen I don’t have an opinion (as I said, something you would never do on a thread … typical JC hypocrite), who are these ‘others‘ (collective, not singular) that I’ve been dissing huh? Surely Catriona you are not trying to say I’m the only one ‘dissing’ are you? Thats not very JC like now is it? So as you are so well read up on this thread, who are these ‘others‘?

    I think I grasped your poor sarcasm there … although I could be wrong :lol:

    My question is more to do with … “do you have an opinion?” as opposed to anything else … so …

    Do you?



    @peeved wrote:

    @cas wrote:

    How can you make that assumption when you don’t even know me? Just wondering?

    More an observation Peeved, than an assumption :wink:

    You fools, really make me laugh, this is the INTERNET!! Hear me? The INTERNET I say! :lol: Observe away, nothing stopping you… enjoy.

    OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo touch a nerve did I :lol:

    I agree too Sharon, with a lot of the things you said…… too, I wouldn’t have gone home and told my parents i’d been told off, they probably would have said well you probably deserved it :lol:

    Teachers should be respected, but likewise, they shouldn’t be bullies either, just because they can. Who does the child go to when it’s the teacher who’s doing! the bullying.

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