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  • #241369

    Pied Piper I am not, Geoff is obsessed with me, I think I tickle his prostate. Small things, small minds and all that malarky.

    Poking a child, which was probably exaggerated by the child, is not a reason to be punching someone, a adult discussion would suffice. I don’t get society, my mind boggles.


    Cas asked me a question, I am answering. You are a fool, like I said, take your aged space hopper knackers to bed, they need the rest.


    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?


    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    No opinion, not even a smidge of one. the guy wants to follow me around, trying to intimidate me, it is a screen, he fails to realise this… maybe he always will. Sad, sad, sad.


    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…




    Would someone, anyone! like to tell me, what makes ANY persons opinion better than someone elses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other that is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,than just the other person thinking it is.



    When I first joined comprehensive school I called the music teacher by his first name, (the first name was passed on to me by my older brother).

    The music teacher, Mr (Fred) Minchin, grabbed me by the throat and pinned me halfway up the wall. :shock:

    I didn’t mess with him again. 8)


    @cas wrote:


    Would someone, anyone! like to tell me, what makes ANY persons opinion better than someone elses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other that is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,than just the other person thinking it is.


    I just have opinions, my posts get deleted because I haven’t got the same thought process as alot of the sheep on here. I have flicked through some of the debates and it seems that only my insults have been removed, whilst others have been left, double standards, yet again, it seems. I do not think my opinions are better, just don’t think that some peoples opinions are well thought out or logical.


    Debate without insult is the name of the game. :wink:


    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…

    Surely something you would never do is it… :wink:

    :? Ermm yes I would post what I thought on a thread …

    As I have, just wondered if you had any opinion Geoff. All I’ve read so far is you dissing others. So you see it may be interesting to actually have your “take” on this as opposed to just a slag fest.

    Do you get my meaning?

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