@rossylass wrote:
Unfortunately we are getting worse for claiming for eveything and anything….
I have first hand knowledge of working with children from violent relationships and its distressing to see the state they leave these poor children in…………..so called responsible people………
We now live in a world that really doesnt give two flying hoots for their neighbours…. were too frightened to help a child whose scared or frightened…………..thats because successive governments have altered the laws and the european court of human rights has made a mockery of our laws………….
Were frightened because we could be arrested for child molestion or common assault…so most people tend to sit back and say get on with it……..
I remember living in a street were everyone knew each other and cared about everyone….. were the young had respect for their elders……..(we may have moaned and groaned) but we still respected them…………..
We need family back………..we need to be able to discipline our children……….we need to look after each other better…….
We also need to have a stronger law to combat these thugs who hurt and kill children because they are bigger, stronger and just downright bullies………
=D> =D> =D> =D>