(Sources say PB started such rumours). (That’s a lie and I can prove it (I think) ….Ed)
Which bit is a lie?
The bit that says Martin gets bummed, or the bit that says that you are the one who started the rumour (that is infact true) that Martin gets bummed?
Either way you’re the one who gets sued & sacked.
Since, if it’s the first bit, then, Martin could sue me for sexual harassment, homophobia & slander, and I’ve signed a contract saying yourself (PB) is directly responsible for everything I type on here.
If it’s the second bit, then Martinc ould sue you for sexual harassment, homophobia & slander, and I’ve signed a contract with Martin saying yourself (PB) is directly responsible for saying such a thing and I get your Uncle Franco’s mansion in Crete, including his small but loyal mercinary force.