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  • #497954

    @tom wrote:

    If it wasn’t so tragic, it’d actually be hilarious. I’m usually a great fan of comedic irony, but this is just.. :lol:

    All in such a short space of time too.. ROI’s timeline:

    -Ireland wants independence.

    -Ireland commits atrocities to gain independence.

    -Ireland gets independence.

    -Ireland isn’t happy with independence.

    -Ireland commits more atrocities to gain independence even though they’ve already got independence but they’re unhappy with the independence they have because it’s boring or what ever and they’ve got nothing to bomb any more so in the name of independence bomb everything in sight anyway to get a different kind of independence to the independence they’ve already got

    -Ireland signs away independence.

    Oh the tragic irony of it all!

    you really are very ignorant of Irish history – the most elementary Irish history even.

    Stop reading the Daily Mail and pick up an Irish history book. You’ll note that Ireland was divided in 1921/2, part of it remaining with Britain. Very, very elementary, but it assumes you’re familiar with your own country’s history – and you really don’t seem to be.

    Also read Irish economic history; of de Valera’s defeat in the economic war against Britain in the 1930s; and especially of the Whittaker Report of 1958, which was decisive in atttracting German capital to Ireland.

    But you’re probably so busy fantasising about copying your Norwegian mate and bombing and murdering people, you haven’t really heard of books.

    Note, this is the calibre of the nativist..embarrassing, truly embarrassing. A genuinely ignorant man talking of maiming and murdering people because he doesn’t agree with them. (note – Some of your posts are illegal, you know, Tom, but never mind somethng like you own country’s laws bother you).



    I read “Tom, you are very ignorant” then stopped reading. The words of a brainwashed liberal Commie if I ever saw therefore anything said after that is null and void as it’ll just be mindless Europhile pro-terrorist anti-British anti-white racist rhetoric so really can’t be bothered.

    Typical tactic of Euro-Nazi scum. “OH no, he disagrees with our Fascist policies so we must call him names and threaten him to stifle his freedom of speech! FOR THE FEUHRER!!”

    Rule Britannia! We will never surrender to you Fascists, Sceptical. Never. You can keep your stinking fourth reich. You can go Heil Merkel all you like, I shall remain free, and if one of you dirty, stinking Europhile scum try putting that dirty Catholic rag up on MY Buckingham Palace I will personally wage a violent and bloody one-man war against the lot of you metric system using haw hee haw hee haw hee slug-eating cheese-munching wine-guzzling Euro-monkeys.


    @tom wrote:

    I read “Tom, you are very ignorant” then stopped reading. The words of a brainwashed liberal Commie if I ever saw therefore anything said after that is null and void as it’ll just be mindless Europhile pro-terrorist anti-British anti-white racist rhetoric so really can’t be bothered.

    Typical tactic of Euro-Nazi scum. “OH no, he disagrees with our Fascist policies so we must call him names and threaten him to stifle his freedom of speech! FOR THE FEUHRER!!”

    Rule Britannia! We will never surrender to you Fascists, Sceptical. Never. You can keep your stinking fourth reich. You can go Heil Merkel all you like, I shall remain free, and if one of you dirty, stinking Europhile scum try putting that dirty Catholic rag up on MY Buckingham Palace I will personally wage a violent and bloody one-man war against the lot of you metric system using haw hee haw hee haw hee slug-eating cheese-munching wine-guzzling Euro-monkeys.

    really, I think there’s something wrong with the educational system which allows someone to write this sort of political cuddles and hugs.

    Do you read a paper, El Dopo Tom? The Daily Star? The Mail would be deeply embarrassed by these killer fantasies.


    So young eastern European workers live in cramped conditions . . . don’t our young people who work abroad? (not the ones on lucrative contracts but the travellers and triers in low wage jobs)

    It’s the transient immigrant story, put up with short term hardship to fund the kickstart of a more established future wherever you decide to settle.

    I wonder how the British and Irish money invested in foreign economies by migrants from these countries compares to the amount invested abroad by our industries and banks in industries which compete with our own – and take jobs as companies outsource jobs and keep them abroad.

    They send as much of their money home as possible . . . . ditto for Brits who work in more prosperous economies.

    The free exchange of currency was something monetarist governments fought to introduce and maintain. It’s supposed to be better for the growth we all expect and until people vote to indicate the contrary, it’s what we’ve got whether through Western Union or other financial institutions.



    Sceptical’s beloved leader seems to like the Roman salute, eh?

    You can shove your evil EU. My great granddad didn’t fight against your type Sceptical for you to take away the freedoms he fought to give us. You and your kind jackbooting all over the place, spitting on the graves of millions of British soldiers who gave their lives to prevent us from being enslaved from such an evil super-state.

    You really think I’m going to bow down to your fascist EU?

    Try putting that dirty blue Catholic rag up above Buckingham palace, and you see on the news next day a massacre, a slaughter, and me being dragged away in handcuffs, or more likely carted off in an ambulance after being shot down, because I’m not joking, I WILL take such an act as a declaration of war, and under the magna carta I will be legally within my rights to defend my homeland from such foreign tyranny.


    How strange.

    This system won’t let me use the word p o r n o graphy. It translates it as cuddles and hugs. haha.

    Tom, you write political p o r n o graphy, and you’re indulging in what are actually illegal posts.

    Moderators, please note.


    @tom wrote:

    . .. . . . . My great granddad didn’t fight against your type . . . .

    No, he probably didn’t . . . . . . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @tom wrote:

    . . . Also, the Magna Carta clearly states that foreign rule over England is illegal. . . . .

    And yet you argue so strongly for the legacy of the House of Hanover . . . . . .



    See, he just admitted it! Criticizing the Fourth Reich (aka the European Union) is illegal.

    Sceptical just said so himself.

    Good job I don’t recognize the European Union as a legal nation-state then, eh, Sceptical? I live under British law, not European law, I do not acknowledge the legality of your Nazi empire and as a subject of Her Majesty the Queen I claim diplomatic immunity against all tin-pot laws of your tin-pot empire.

    If the Franco-German swazi want to come knocking on my door, let them, because they’ll get a boot to the face, if not a lead pipe, and then I’ll call Her Majesty’s constabulary to cart them off for trespassing on my land.

    No surrender!

    No, he probably didn’t . . . . . . .

    Um, my great granddad did fight in the war, actually. He didn’t die, granted, but he fought. He was in North Africa through-out most of the war and served under General Montgomery.

    So yes, he did.

    And I will not have his grave, and the grave of his fallen comrades, spat on by Euro-Nazis who are trying to strip us of our human rights and sovereignty via the back-door such as the EU is.


    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    @tom wrote:

    . .. . . . . My great granddad didn’t fight against your type . . . .

    No, he probably didn’t . . . . . . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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