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  • #233531

    @matty wrote:

    there is always tommorow :)

    you’re right! perhaps I’ll pop up the question then :D


    good luck, let me know how it goes


    For me personally I’d say yes you can get over your first love, it just took me a long time

    And yes you can subconciously be attracted to someone, that happened with my current bf, we work together and he told me he was attracted to me but I didnt feel the same way. For months people said to me they could see I like him as well but I just dismissed it. It took us 5 months to eventually get together, that was nearly a year and a half ago now and we’re still mad about each other :D


    @galaxy wrote:

    For me personally I’d say yes you can get over your first love, it just took me a long time

    And yes you can subconciously be attracted to someone, that happened with my current bf, we work together and he told me he was attracted to me but I didnt feel the same way. For months people said to me they could see I like him as well but I just dismissed it. It took us 5 months to eventually get together, that was nearly a year and a half ago now and we’re still mad about each other :D

    i often think that about girls i like, i know they say i’m ugly, but i know deep inside, they fancy me really :)


    @matty wrote:

    @galaxy wrote:

    For me personally I’d say yes you can get over your first love, it just took me a long time

    And yes you can subconciously be attracted to someone, that happened with my current bf, we work together and he told me he was attracted to me but I didnt feel the same way. For months people said to me they could see I like him as well but I just dismissed it. It took us 5 months to eventually get together, that was nearly a year and a half ago now and we’re still mad about each other :D

    i often think that about girls i like, i know they say i’m ugly, but i know deep inside, they fancy me really :)

    :lol: :lol: :lol: well good for you 8)

    what happened here was that I’ve known this guy for about 6 years. Never though of him in that way. But I’ve never had anything negative to say about him… Not a thing! we haven’t actually been friends all this time… I spent most of my teenage years hiding from other people. I was bullied in school and so on… so my life was a bit of a hell at times. So I tried to avoid “human contact” as much as possible :lol: and now you understand why I draw so well! …I’ve had much time to practise :lol: :lol: :oops: soo… life got a bit lighter when that school ended and another one began. (This guy didn’t go to the same school.) last year was very hard for me, I can’t even remember much of it. I was basically a wreck. Had to build myself all over again and it wasn’t easy since I didn’t have much to work with in the first place. Ok now…this year has been a ride! life sure knows how to surprise!!! so much has been going on, I’m a new person and so on… and I’ve been in many parties and pub rounds that this guy has also participated. So he’s been around this summer quite alot. I still haven’t payed any attention to him, just that he’s cool to hang out with. But then… lets just say that a bit of vodka, gin, salmiac vodka, sider and so on can change situtations a lot! what happened was this (long story short…maybe because I can’t remember the details…this is the part where I’d like to watch replay!!!!!!!!!!) we were in the same drinking party, ended up sitting next to each other, and when the seats ran out we sat on each others laps…started talkin…talkin alone, seriously…and then came the sofa… so…. here we are. He’s cool, but I don’t know what to think now :oops:
    I can’t get him off my head! :x


    you’re a great girl.. don’t let bullys in your past put you down today, go with the flow, you got a chance to make somone happy, and be happy yourself, go for it..


    @matty wrote:

    …you got a chance to make somone happy, and be happy yourself, go for it..

    heh.. 8-[ I’ve already made him happy (twice!) :oops:

    not so sure he wants more of me :? as usual… :roll:

    and I don’t want to start pressuring him when I’m not even sure about myself :(


    just go wiv the flow BB, if its meant too be it will be, im sure of that. if nothing happens, then it werent meant tooo…..

    im a great believer in karma and cey se ra….

    i had loves that i thought were for life and would have died for at the time….

    but they turned out not to be, so ive no regrets but good memories (and some skanky ones too lol) and glad im where i am now and not where i could of been

    do you know what i mean?


    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    I think you think too much Beatty. Go for it girl! :

    tell me about it, shes exactly like me in that respect


    :lol: thanks girls but I don’t think this is about love here… he’s just so… damn attractive in my mind right now… and if we ever got together (in a pulse of madness!) I don’t think it would be for life… lucky if ever for a year :lol: but… I’m not looking for ever lasting love, I’m not even a strong believer in love (for me that is) I’d like to just go with the flow. I don’t know where I’m going to next month let alone next year (hell I don’t even know where I am next week) so what I’d like is just some company for a while…

    he’s not “a good boy”, but I’m not exactly a saint myself :oops:

    and I do like him :?

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