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  • #248751

    It’s the ”sherry” that causes it !!!


    @rubyred wrote:

    catz,,i ONCE told a primary term..THAT I DID teach 12-14 and special needs,,i assume YOU think im a “fool” ,,yes Im a fellow teacher….that was ONLY because i served the needs for a drama student into a post GRAD beatch!

    I teach prisoners and kids ! och im damm annoyed !

    ope the paracetomals ave kicked in rubes. god ur a busy woman!!!!!!!!. is there anything u HAVNT DONE? :wink:


    “I am an Archer Fan too” there I’ve said it, took some guts but at last I’m ‘out’ phew.
    The latest story line has been a bit racy, well in my imagination it has, but that could be the result of some new cheese we got from Waitrose/ Netto.

    Anyway me old pal me old beauty, I was sorry to read the altercation from early posts and conclude that the bawling session re Private PM’s was a classic case of PMS I hope PB
    (is that really Pat Butcher?) will feel better soon.
    There’s a pint of Shires waiting for you when you’ve finished the milking


    Oooo urrr … a poynt orv Shoires moi deario moi little beauty. Oi carn’t wait. :lol:

    (BTW – my earlier ‘senior moment’ has now passed !!!)


    You really shouldn’t egg me on but re Archer’s story line about Jack’s Alzheimer’s progress reminded of a story I heard recently.

    A man took his wife to the Doctor and explained that she had been acting strangely and would he check that all was well. The doctor examined her and said “as you suspected there is something wrong with her. It could be one of two things. Alzheimer’s or Aids.” The husband was clearly shocked and asked how he should confirm which. The doctor said “take her for a long drive (preferable blind folded) then get her to get out. Give her a twenty pound note and drive back home without her”. The husband looked puzzled How will that help he asked . The doctor replied “if she comes homes whatever you do don’t sleep with her.”

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