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    Everybody dreams every night so i’ve read


    @pete wrote:

    Everybody dreams every night so i’ve read



    Had A Weird Dream Last Night.. Won’t tell you about it, just thought I’d mention it.. :?


    They don’t mean anything. There are a few theories about what dreams are doing. One suggested its the brain testing its synaptic connections in a random fashion which thus triggers memories, emotions etc and produces the weird dreams we have. Another suggests that its the half-shut (sleeping) down brain trying to process the memories of the day (which is why they’re sometimes incorporated into the dream) and in doing so produces the haphazard, bizarre images and stories we sometimes experience in the dream world.


    Dreams Are A DoorWay to The Astral World. I Astral Project.. Your Subconcious takes you to another plane, not that of an Earthly One, but that of a spiritual one. I’ve met others like myself who do what I do, and we all go different places.


    What I have said is complete and utter cr@p, I do not know if it is actual possible to Astral Project Yourself, I’ve tried, and tried, but to no avail. The Doctor thinks I’m mad, but I have a different theory! I think he is! After all, he told me this in The Astral World!


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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