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26 July, 2006 at 2:50 pm #229686
I’m supposed to believe that a plane didn’t hit the pentagon despite knowing that a plane was hijacked and hit the penatagon, and despite knowing that reporters and investigators on the scene witnessed wreckage from the plane.
Where is the evidence that a plane didn’t hit the pentagon? All the evidence clearly shows that it was American Airlines flight 77 that hit the pentagon. What evidence is there that it wasn’t? Any nutcase can expound pseudo-scientific theories. You can baffle the ordinary man on the street with technical jargon but when scrutinized by experts they invariably expose the theories to be nothing more than half-baked nonsense. I mean some people tried to put forward scientific theories as to how 2 jumbo jets hitting the WTC wouldn’t cause it to collapse. Now anybody with any common sense can guess that having 2 jets hit a building might cause some structural damage and architects looking at the evidence explained thoroughly and scientifically what caused the wtc to collapse.
If people want to continue to claim that planes didn’t hit the wtc or pentagon then give me a checklist of points to back up your claims. It will be my pleasure to shatter your illusions. e.g. it was claimed that there was no passenger list for flight 77 when actually it was freely available to all. I will make light work of all this conspiracy nonsense, so put forward your case in checklist fashion and i will destroy it within a matter of minutes.
26 July, 2006 at 4:02 pm #229687A picture showing wreckage from the plane.
A link to the passenger list of AA flight 77
87 eye-witness testimonies talking about a plane hitting the pentagon
“Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes.
The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it’s clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed.
The jetliner disappeared from radar at 9:37 and less than a minute later it clipped the tops of street lights and plowed into the Pentagon at 460 mph.”Source CBS news
Comprehensive analysis of 9/11 attacks by Popular Mechanics that debunk all the scientific myths.
So I’ve provided a photo of the wreckage, 87 eye-witness testimonies (including ones that saw charred body remains) that all say a plane hit the pentagon, an excerpt from an article which says the plane was tracked on radar hitting the pentagon, a scientific analysis that explains the science of the attacks and a list of passengers from the flight that hit the pentagon. Overwhelming evidence that a plane hit the pentagon. I rest my case.
26 July, 2006 at 10:14 pm #229688You can’t be serious, you must be on a wind-up. I’ve given you all the evidence you could possibly need to prove that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Why should I watch a documentary about an urban legend?
It’s like someone saying “watch this documentary it casts doubt on the idea that the earth goes round the sun”. What would anyone gain from watching a documentary like that? No right-minded person would waste their time with pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories when the argument to the contrary has been comprehensively proven. Only a complete imbecile would doubt that AA flight 77 hit the pentagon. It’s not even debatable, the evidence is incontrovertible and overwhelming.
26 July, 2006 at 10:37 pm #229689If you want to believe that a missile hit the pentagon and that lee harvey oswald didn’t shoot JFK and that little green men landed in Roswell, then that’s your prerogative, but don’t be surprised if you end up sharing a padded cell with Tommy and Emma.
26 July, 2006 at 10:57 pm #229690OMG!!! why!! is it just me or do all posts on here just end up being a big hoo haa about who’s opinion is right!!! at the end of the day you could both be right! is there any real need to bring the whole thread down to this level EVERY TIME!!
ive been a member for only a wee while and adore a good debate but it seems every single thread on the “serious posts” (lol) turns into a stupid name calling “i know more than you” kinda thing…
anyone for a beer and a normal chin wag? :shock:
26 July, 2006 at 11:25 pm #229691sorry magoo, but every thread that i seem to read seems to descend into an extreme view one way or the other,……. there seems to be no ground for just accepting that things happen and you cannot justify them one way or the other ie; there is no rational argument either way. what starts off as an interesting topic just seems to drivel (sorry!!) into cowpat!!
JMHO :wink:
27 July, 2006 at 12:22 am #229692i know what you mean rubes but i get a bit peeved that what could be a great debate always seems to go t its up here!! when i joined i was hoping for a bit of jostling and friendly posting but there are a few members with extreme views who will not accept that others have extreme views also!!
live and let live and learn that we cannot change those with views that are so different to our own. it makes the world go round and starts wars but there is NOWT anybody can do to stop it, so less breath (finger) wasting, and more understanding about how to enjoy the teeny weeny bit of time we get here!!!!!
sorry if i offend you guys but we really aint got long and to spend it debating when you really have no intention of altering the way you think then WHAT IS THE POINT!!???? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
27 July, 2006 at 12:42 am #229693well thats blokes for you …. over active egos, thyroids, glands everthink!!!!
if it aint footie its politiks and they have to out do each other at each and every opportunity!!
i belong to a few forums (mainly parrot orientated) and the women can get over a debate fairly quickly
but the men just seem to have this one upmanship thing “ive got much more knowledge than you therefore i must be right” attitude, but really ,you learn as you go along as long as long as you are open minded enough to accept that people younger can actually teach you a thing or two!
but to be blinkered (hate to say it again but like a few on here) is the wrong way to be…..
always have an open mind 8)
27 July, 2006 at 1:08 am #229694exactly!!! LOL :P
27 July, 2006 at 7:37 am #229695@sharongooner wrote:
well thats blokes for you …. over active egos, thyroids, glands everthink!!!!
if it aint footie its politiks and they have to out do each other at each and every opportunity!!
i belong to a few forums (mainly parrot orientated) and the women can get over a debate fairly quickly
but the men just seem to have this one upmanship thing “ive got much more knowledge than you therefore i must be right” attitude, but really ,you learn as you go along as long as long as you are open minded enough to accept that people younger can actually teach you a thing or two!
but to be blinkered (hate to say it again but like a few on here) is the wrong way to be…..
always have an open mind 8)
Good points Sharon
The thing is most of the knowledge comes from Googling and let’s face it you could google both sides of the coin for most arguments – there aren’t many folks who post straight from the heart or head – as you say it’s mainly you ladies
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