oh i love it.. with the first snows brings a Melancholy i have felt, since childhood. A melancholy of xmas being near, and how everyones garden looks the same with 12 inches of snow, Then i despise it.. as lorries and buses cannot get so far up, and i get cabin fever.. NOT that I would have went out anyway, but i feel closed in. I love the kitchen smells in winter, home made soups and relying on pulses for warmth.
the hot drink of orange as my kids (24 and 29) trudge up the path. heating on, a seasonal candle lit. and Bonus points if my wee grandson makes it up the road. Covered like a wee snoman with having fun with his Mummy..
The panic of having enough food. so it is no error i buy more herbs n spices on a sunny day in September.to see me through another scottish winter. The buses return, the roads clear. but fo those 2 days..The artificial heat, was the only artifice on being stranded,, in a wee up north Scottish Toon.
sheest it was November last year !!