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  • #351463

    *chuckles* aye dave caught the ones with auld timers ( altzeimers) .. fook me they near land on the end o yer nose nowadays! I bet they wear wee baseball caps too ! and Chelsea tops ;)


    I would love to say that everything will be alright and that if we just talk about these problems then they shall all go away… but I can’t because it wouldn’t be true, sad fact of life. the truly frightening thing about all of this is that each and every one of us has the capacity to commit such attrocities, and be transformed from an upstanding person into a deranged and disturbed killer quite easily, all it takes is just that little push at the right time


    lol :lol:

    we had a bit of a moment yesterday. I have this fascination with webs and spiders and this great big fly got caught on a web. Anyway, spider comes out from a groove where he had been hiding, to check out his supper… he was only a wee thing. He tottered a bit further up the web, saw the size of the very alive but stuck huge fly and must have thought fuck this Im off and darted back quicker than anything.

    I wished Id caught it on vid, it was one of those had to be there moments, but would make a great cartoon! :lol:


    @Forget Me Not wrote:

    I would love to say that everything will be alright and that if we just talk about these problems then they shall all go away… but I can’t because it wouldn’t be true, sad fact of life. the truly frightening thing about all of this is that each and every one of us has the capacity to commit such attrocities, and be transformed from an upstanding person into a deranged and disturbed killer quite easily, all it takes is just that little push at the right time

    hence my earlier meeting with the devil statement FMN.. its the knowing and realisation in non sociopaths,the difference between right and wrong. We can blame so much on past history,mental illness etc. My argument is,,, what makes the person turn..


    @sharongooner wrote:

    lol :lol:

    we had a bit of a moment yesterday. I have this fascination with webs and spiders and this great big fly got caught on a web. Anyway, spider comes out from a groove where he had been hiding, to check out his supper… he was only a wee thing. He tottered a bit further up the web, saw the size of the very alive but stuck huge fly and must have thought fuck this Im off and darted back quicker than anything.

    I wished Id caught it on vid, it was one of those had to be there moments, but would make a great cartoon! :lol:

    be like a wee kitten asking a rottweiler for a square go LOL.. then again have ya seen a spiders face through a microscope !!! ffs id not want to meet one up a dark alley !

    *faird face*



    oh god they are so prehistoric/unearthtly looking but I love the detail and incrincies (spl?) of them.

    Then again I love newts too.


    I meant intracacies
    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    fook off pete !!

    a newt,,only thing i have in common is ,sometimes i get as pished as one !

    I have hedgehogs under my unused aviary,, cute as hell ! but have to keep telling the wee man not to attempt to eat them,as their full o lice seemingly ! The aviary attracts mice,hence my family of tiggywinkles ! they have wee bairns..awwwww !!!!


    This happened at a local park, I felt sick that the children I was once surrounded by could do such a thing. :cry:

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