Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

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  • #17461

    Oh dear, the ego has landed.

    It’s not just about looks, it’s the whole package…she may be beautiful visually (although I’m not so sure about that) but she is shallow, judging everything on her appearance compared to others, assuming they use the same benchmark of comparison, using her looks to get on in her job…she sure doesn’t have a beautiful personality based on this article. I suspect that it’s her attitude that women dislike, not her physical appearance.


    The article that started it all

    The backlash begins

    If she wasn’t so arrogant I’d say she might wish she’d never written the article, however her arrogance leads her to believe that anyone, especially females, who disagrees is confirming her argument…priceless.


    I had been told about this article,, jaysus all due respect but she is hardly ” beautiful” .. squint yer eyes a certain way and im bonnier :) seriously though..looks like a pale imitation of Courtney Love.


    Its sad but true that our society is so focused on physical appearance….. and if we are honest we all judge people on how they present themselves…… dont get holier than thou with me its true.

    All I can say about this lady though is she must have surrounded herself by some rather ugly friends (inside and out) if she is treated so badly by them. She also needs to learn that physical appearance isn’t all that makes a person beautiful…. not in the least. Really lets be honest…. she should get over herself.


    She’s beautiful – really? It’s all in the eye of the beholder really.

    Anyway people don’t just care about whether the opposite sex want to sh*g them. They want to look good for themselves.

    I certainly react well to someone who has made an effort rather than someone who is “beautiful”. You can have great cheekbones, all the money in the world and still look like you haven’t tried. Conversely you can have a face like a plate, cheap clothes and still look tidy and like you have self respect.

    Big head, bid idea of herself – that’s not attractive.


    Well I had to look at the article link from the first post in this thread several times because I really don’t think she’s beautiful at all :-s


    is this all just a PR exercise ? :?
    She is attractive enough, not minging not outstanding, she comes across on her interview on this morning better than she does in her article. But she certainly has some issues with other women, she stated she used to be the spotty fat ugly duckling pre adult hood, maybe her supposed self confidence actually stems from the insecurities of that time ?
    But she definately has an arrogance regarding what other women feel about her, that isn’t attractive. She has no right or major valid reasons to generalise in this way. That makes me feel sorry for her and her very narrow minded perspective on what she calls the “sisterhood”.
    Yes some women will be jealous of someone more attractive or popular than another, but i believe the majority see beyond that to their depths or lack of in her case.


    She’s not too bad (for her age) :)

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