Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Donald Trump – Racist Pig

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  • #1119999


    You’re a troll, just like Joker was. I didn’t quite understand it until I read your backhanded compliments to him yesterday.


    You litter your lines with sly shite to wind people up and provoke a negative reaction so that you can get on your high horse and preach from your lofty pulpit. I am NOT the only person who thinks this old fella. Do stick your board games up your scrawny old arse and battle for the top dog position that you have spent the past decade jostling for (well before I came on the boards).





    You litter your lines with sly shite to wind people up and provoke a negative reaction so that you can get on your high horse and preach from your lofty pulpit. I am NOT the only person who thinks this old fella. Do stick your board games up your scrawny old arse

    Again, you argue in nothing but gross insults and non sequiturs in an endless and tiring cycle. No wonder that the pro-EU people are kept off the boards by a man who has the cheek to pose as a socialist (!). No socialist supports no-deal – even a lexiteer like Lisa Nandy says she’ll vote against it. The labour and trade union movement in its entirety oppose it, yet you come along admiring Fat Boris of Bullingdon.UNISON, the health service union, is opposed to leaving the EU because of its impact on the NHS and employment. Unite and the Labour party are totally committed to campaigning against no-deal, but a fake like you puffs his chest up and wanders around claiming to be a socialist! pah!

    You are the only person I know who call himself a ‘socialist’ yet has nothing bad to say about Trump. You spend an inordinate amount of time in a pathetic attempt to show that the Nazi killer of Jo Cox was framed, yet no time to dissect the trumped up arguemnts about poverty spewed by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. You boast about your commitment to anti-racism in the most violent terms possible (wanting Tommy Robinson to be given a good kicking in prison) yet you have never once condemned Trump#’s racism. Instead you endorse the Trumpers who cover up for it.

    What a fake! The ‘socialist’ who claims to have been headhunted by Merton College and responds to every serious argument with gross personal abuse.

    You’re really at home arguing with the other two fools. Stick to it instead of polluting more serious discussion.



    You can reel of your pompous long winded speeches littered with insults (just as I do) all you like Flashman, it has no effect on me now whatsoever.


    I have got the measure of you, I have always had the measure of you.


    You’re a bullshitter who types for the JC audience (which I don’t) and you assume you hold the moral high ground on every single topic you bring up, there is not a single issue which you have brought up where you have conceded you don’t hold that moral high ground.


    Whatever the topic you claim to be an expert, after a google of course because you never state anything of substance until you get a response back and clues (prompts) as to how to respond.


    You bullshit people who have far less knoweldge than you and you often do but you quite simply can’t bullshit me. Nothing you type will ever change my view of you.


    You will never have a grown up debate with anyone on this site because you do just what Alfie used to do, you deliberately misquote and tangle people up when they have an answer to whatever you type.


    You’re a fucking troll, you always were a troll and you’ll always be a troll no matter what “sophisticated” language you use and the “panache” in which you present it and no matter what smoke other chatters blow up your scrawny old arse.







    Oh and one other thing, your post does NOT reflect my views at all, as I said you bullshit to win boards arguments that YOU choose to particiapte in and only YOU. You Lie out of your teeth (false). Make it up. Distorts what is typed to you.


    No better than all those you depsise with a passion and hatred bordering on insanity.


    Flashman, the preacher and the fake Christian.





    You litter your lines with sly shite to wind people up and provoke a negative reaction so that you can get on your high horse and preach from your lofty pulpit. I am NOT the only person who thinks this old fella. Do stick your board games up your scrawny old arse and battle for the top dog position that you have spent the past decade jostling for (well before I came on the boards).

    You’re a fucking troll, you always were a troll and you’ll always be a troll no matter what “sophisticated” language you use and the “panache” in which you present it and no matter what smoke other chatters blow up your scrawny old arse.

    More and more insults. The weaker the argument, the greater the insults.

    You post lazy links which you don’t bother to read, and then respond to serious argument by claiming that you’re being trolled.

    What a pathetic man.

    Go and bring up pics of your dog in an attempt to get sympathy as you squirm and twist in  self-pity when you’re rumbled.

    You’re never happier than when you’re engaging in insults with the two idiots who now flood the site, just as you were like a pig in clover when having the most childish threats of a fist-fight when Rudeboy of Norfolk was here. At least he had some coherent arguments, and argued them with some passion. he wasn’t just some ego making arguments for the sake of it.

    If I were arguing against the EU, you’d be for it. If I argued for Trump, you’d be against him. You don’t have any principles.You’re no better than the other two fools. Fake socialist. Fake anti-racist. Egoist.

    I just know that you won’t respond with serious argument because you can’t. The insults will follow in the same way that a dog returns into its vomit. You can’t argue because you’re a fake. Fake! Fake!



    I don’t need to keep on having the same conversation with you over and over and over again.


    Do what you usually do you creepy old right wing turd. Log into the rooms and be “really” nice while your existence on JC is validated and pretend to be nice to other chatters debating on the boards for a few weeks until the mask slips again.


    Rinse and repeat.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.


    Go and bring up pics of your dog in an attempt to get sympathy as you squirm and twist in self-pity when you’re rumbled.

    Hehehehe. My current dog Mia or Molly who had to be put to sleep last year because she lost the use of her rear end??? Which one?


    There are no depths you won’t sink to old man, none at all, but it still has no effect whatsoever.


    Slimy old turd.









    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.


    just as you were like a pig in clover when having the most childish threats of a fist-fight when Rudeboy of Norfolk was here. At least he had some coherent arguments, and argued them with some passion. he wasn’t just some ego making arguments for the sake of it

    The same Rudeboy who typed this?


    Sceptical , haven’t you anything better to do than repeat the same rhetoric over and over about the EU ? It’s like groundhog day reading your one dimensional EU rubbish like an EU Goeblels propagandist that never shuts up and the people replying to it are as guilty as you regurgitating this repetitious dirge day after day… you’re spamming the board in a similar way to Q did minus the lol component. Most sane people would state their views and move on regardless of what others think, yet you seem determined to continue on like a malfunctioning droid typing the same shite.


    And who typed this?


    but Scepticals last post sums up his narrow minded, blinkered rubbish which manifests itself in many of his posts.


    And this?


    an old guy clearly senile that he is so blinkered he ignores posts from people he views as allies which contain the same content of what he apparently condemns … he may as well have a guide dog taking over his computer or tapping it with a white stick let’s face it. It’s so ridiculous, I’ve come to the conclusion he is on the wind up on here so don’t engage any more. A quick look at the vote confirms sceptical will simply slide into a mental meltdown unable to accept very few share his views on here and the minority of the public agree with him not the majority.




    Good to same old conversation.

    That’s what I’m trying to break you from.

    You have that conversation with everyone else here.

    Now, how can an anti-racist like you not attack Trump’s racism?

    Or is that another question which leads to evasion and personal abuse?



    The thread I refer to.


    "People's Vote"


    Another topic that might or might not be off interest to some chatters in reference to that thread, what was typed on it and the false allegations made.



    “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions. Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse. It makes victims question the very instincts that they have counted on their whole lives, making them unsure of anything. Gaslighting makes it very likely that victims will believe whatever their abusers tell them regardless as to their own experience of the situation. Gaslighting often precedes other types of emotional and physical abuse because the victim of gaslighting is more likely to remain in other abusive situations as well.”

    “Blocking” and “diverting” are gaslighting techniques whereby the abuser again changes the conversation from the subject matter to questioning the victim’s thoughts and controlling the conversation. Gaslighting examples of this include….”

    “The gaslighting techniques are used in conjunction to try to make the victim doubt their own thoughts, memories, and actions. Soon the victim is scared to bring up any topic at all for fear they are “wrong” about it or don’t remember the situation correctly.”




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