Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Donald Trump – Racist Pig

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    Trump has very recently attacked four radical Congresswomen, known as The Squad – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. Two of them belong to the Democratic Socialists of America, and all four come from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds.

    They have become notable for their savage exposure of inequality and social in justice in America. I haven’t seen the other three, but  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is particularly impressive.

    Trump said that they “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world . . . now loudly.and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”.

    Three of them were born in the USA. The fourth was born in Somalia and moved to the US while a child. Home is the USA, and they have been elected to serve their constituents.

    The above is Ilhan Omar, one of the elected Congresswomen, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    This has its effects on Britain, where the racist National Front once called on people of Afro-Asian descent to go back home. I remember the racial tension in East London, where I worked in the late 1970s. The Afro-Asian community were British, most of them born in Britain, but they weren’t accepted as British by racists here because of their colour. They may have been born in Britain, but because they weren’t white, they weren’t British in racist eyes, and should go home – in the banana boats, was one evil comment addition in my memory.

    Anti-racists in this country should not the reactions here, and call on all politicians to stand up to the racist who is in the White House.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  sceptical guy.

    I for one recall Omar’s utter racism not long ago. It’s something she has been repeatedly warned for but we live in a society that claims only Caucasians can be racist.

    The thing is if you’re born in a country but have a varied ethnic background especially in the state’s then you do double barrel. Ie describe yourself as “African American”  that is loyalty to your roots which is understandable,no one ignores their family history. So when he says go back to your own country if you hate this one, he is stating the simple fact that the countries in their background aren’t stable ,which is true.

    The truth is, in America and the UK ,we have had a pretence that everyone votes. Truth is that many people gave up voting long ago,they were fed up, had given up thinking the system was for them. Got used to being told what the latest issue was that they should be arguing for,changing for. Society didn’t change people’s opinions,it told them to not speak,so they stayed silent. But over the past 10 years,terrorism firstly caused people to want to protect home,made them start to speak. The people who were voting included people who cared more about plastic straws than poverty. They cared more about rich areas than the people losing their homes after the crash. If people spoke up ,they were called racists or not educated or unemployed ,they were ignored. The loudest voices only cared about their areas,their pretentious causes. Take Obama, the first black president and what did he do? They wanted him to say “look at how enlightened we are! We’re not racist!” But truth is these people aren’t honest with themselves. He did nothing for the African American community. Society was developing into a vote for impressions in America and the UK. Clinton lied repeatedly, yet they still wanted her, it was another ego boast. Trump however stood for the people who had been ignored ,people who had stayed silent. When they finally spoke by voting for someone who represented them ,they were abused,called racist, uneducated but they had had enough and wouldn’t put up with it anymore. The same happened with brexit. In America trump has actually done more for African Americans than Obama did and yet it’s ignored. What he’s doing might be rough,bumpy at times but he’s doing it and it’s working for the poorest and richest. The same in the UK. If I tell a terrorist go home that’s racist? No,it means literally why stay in a country you hate?if you don’t like it leave. It’s not racist when Brits leave and go to live in Spain or France or whatever.

    It’s like the take a knee crowd. NFL members with massive wage packets that are paid for by people from all backgrounds then screaming American racism holds them back,it’s laughable and dishonest.

    Screaming racism at people won’t work anymore,he’s uncouth yes. But he’s getting the job done and many of his friends are from mixed backgrounds and have always stated he’s not racist. Omar being in,that is the disgrace. A woman laughing about how Americans were afraid of ISIS ,a woman who can’t stop being racist weekly but no one wants to admit it for fear of being called racist themselves.

    It’s time the pretentiousness stopped and we voted for those who can do the job rather than those who look good and do nothing.

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    no Fan of trump but let’s not forget we elected as prime minister ( not me I voted labour ) a woman who as  Home Secretary actually deported people who were here legally and wrote on vans telling people to go home and now we’re on verge on replacing 1 with another who compared  Muslim women to letter boxes

    so are we any better than America

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    Thank you paigey.. fgs..scep trump thread? Let’s face it you hate man. I asked you once before, what president of ours have you ever liked? Never responded back…ummm


    Linda, I mentioned in a responding post the names of Jefferson, Lincoln and FD Roosevelt. Those are the three Presidents I admire.

    I’m not sure of the point you’re trying to make.


    I for one recall Omar’s utter racism not long ago. It’s something she has been repeatedly warned for but we live in a society that claims only Caucasians can be racist.

    The thing is if you’re born in a country but have a varied ethnic background especially in the state’s then you do double barrel. Ie describe yourself as “African American” that is loyalty to your roots which is understandable,no one ignores their family history. So when he says go back to your own country if you hate this one, he is stating the simple fact that the countries in their background aren’t stable ,which is true…..

    Omar being in,that is the disgrace. A woman laughing about how Americans were afraid of ISIS ,a woman who can’t stop being racist weekly but no one wants to admit it for fear of being called racist themselves.

    It’s time the pretentiousness stopped and we voted for those who can do the job rather than those who look good and do nothing.


    thanks for your post. It led me to find out more about Representative Omar.

    If you’re right about Ilhan Omar, and you aren’t right, then you haven’t addressed the OP that Trump is a racist pig for demanding that American congresswomen go back home when their home is the US.

    You’re not right about Ilhan Omar because she never laughed about how Americans are afraid of ISIS. She has denounced terrorism from the start, including just recently the attacks on churches in Sri Lanka by radical Muslims.

    There is a video of her laughing about ISIS which was doctored by the Far Right. She was laughing AT ISIS, mimicking an ISIS supporter and laughing about his gestures.her laughter was ripped out of context and appeared to show her doing the exact opposite. This is a tactic often employed by the Far Right – in this country as well as in the US.

    The defamation and doctoring was not new. A doctored video in which she apparently showed indifference to the people killed in the horrific attacks on the World Trade Centre on 9/11 have recently been used by Trump to show her sympathies with terrorism. She said that ‘some people did something’, which was twisted by the New York Post, and then by trump, to point out that the people who did something were terrorists who killed 2,700 people. In fact, in her address to the Council on Islamic-American Relations, she was saying that the attacks had led to an erosion of civil liberties for US Muslims who had nthing to do with al Quaeda. Attempts by West Virginia Republicans recently connecting her to being behind the 9/11 bombings were so outrageous that the State Republican part5y disowned itself

    She is a Muslim who supports the LBGT community, and has sought to impose sanctions on Muslim Brunei when it made homosexual acts and adultery punishable by death. This is one of a number of progressive stances she and the other three members of The Squad have made on minimum wages etc in an attempt to roll back the increasing poverty and inequality in the USA.

    She does not describe herself as African-American. The general term used by The Squad id that they are women of colour.

    Now we can argue about Obama and Trump and what they have done for African-Americans, but it doesn’t really address the accusation that Trump is an explicit racist. Calling for Americans to go back to their own country when their onw country is the USA is racist. The same was true when the National Front in this country called for blacks and asians to be sent back to their own country “in banana boats”. Their country was  and is Britain., irrespective of their background.




    No photo description available.

    Go back to where you came from.


    Trump 2020 :yahoo:

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    Trump has very recently attacked four radical Congresswomen, known as The Squad – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. Two of them belong to the Democratic Socialists of America, and all four come from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds.

    They have become notable for their savage exposure of inequality and social in justice in America. I haven’t seen the other three, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is particularly impressive.

    Trump said that they “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world . . . now loudly.and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”.

    Three of them were born in the USA. The fourth was born in Somalia and moved to the US while a child. Home is the USA, and they have been elected to serve their constituents.

    The above is Ilhan Omar, one of the elected Congresswomen, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    This has its effects on Britain, where the racist National Front once called on people of Afro-Asian descent to go back home. I remember the racial tension in East London, where I worked in the late 1970s. The Afro-Asian community were British, most of them born in Britain, but they weren’t accepted as British by racists here because of their colour. They may have been born in Britain, but because they weren’t white, they weren’t British in racist eyes, and should go home – in the banana boats, was one evil comment addition in my memory.

    Anti-racists in this country should not the reactions here, and call on all politicians to stand up to the racist who is in the White House.

    More distortion of President Trump’s words by liberals.

    His words weren’t “racist.”  He didn’t criticize anyone’s “race” (a weak and vague descriptor to begin with; are we not all of the human race?) or ethnicity, or say that they are inferior.

    He didn’t denounce anyone’s U.S. citizenship nor does he imply they’re not elected officials.  If anything, his tweet affirms both points.

    What he did do is criticize them for their actions and their toxic rhetoric.  He pointed out their hypocrisy and suggested they go fix serious problems in other countries then come back to the U.S. and show us how to do it.  And by doing this he points out their complete lack of gratitude toward the country that has done so much for them and their families.  It was a masterful illustration of contrasts.  And, as icing on the cake, he forced Speaker Pelosi to come to their defense when, just a couple days or so ago, they were calling her (Pelosi) racist.  You can’t make this stuff up folks!

    President Trump loves all his supporters, regardless of race.  He battles around politics, policy, and core beliefs.   Anyone paying attention can see that he doesn’t target by race, but vigorously defends the agenda “We the People” elected him to carry out.

    We live in dainty times where liberals are easily offended.  Love it or hate it, he’s a scrapper.  Being from NYC herself, Ocasio-Cortez should know this and can spare us all the faux outrage.

    In fact Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib are no strangers to crude words themselves; at one point Ocasio-Cortez said her faction would “run train on the progressive agenda.” (“run train” is a vulgar and crude sexual reference), and Tlaib uttered, “we’re gonna impeach the motherf—er.” (Btw Ms. Tlaib, how’s that impeachment thing working out?).  Real classy “ladies”.

    Tlaib later explained (emphasis mine), “I am very passionate, and I grew up in an incredibly beautiful, urban community — the city of Detroit — born and raised. We say colorful things in interesting ways, but I tell you, the president of the United States is my focus. The residents back home are my focus.”

    So, it’s perfectly acceptable for Ms. Tlaib to say “colorful things in interesting ways”, but President Trump, who hails from rough-and-tumble NYC, is supposed to speak in polite and hushed tones.  Hypocrisy noted.

    The clown car that is the Democratic Party is a laugh a minute.

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    JEFFERSON, LINCOLN AND ROOSEVELT are story book lessons taught in my school. Yep, respect them too..

    However, I live and breathe today and for many years have gone through Presidents.

    Too be frank as I liked Regan to a degree, I cant think of another blasted President during my life time that I really liked but Trump. Pretty sad heh. But so very true..

    So stick a feather in your hat scep and call it yankee doodle.

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