Boards Index General discussion Getting serious dog "lost" by police

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  • #9174

    This is a very long thread but the gist of it is this:

    Dog goes missing
    Police find god and take it to kennels at station
    Police then “lose” dog with no explanation as to how
    Offer owners compensation for a “replacement”

    Ive been asked what I think.. Im not to up with the police and their responsibility over property (I think a dog comes under the realms of property but will have to research that)

    What do you think?

    Im sure the owners should take this further. They have been told the police are reading the thread, so are having to be careful.

    As I said it is very very long, Im only halfway through it myself!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Dog goes missing
    Police find god and take it to kennels at station
    Police then “lose” dog with no explanation as to how
    Offer owners compensation for a “replacement”

    Amazing what forensics can do nowadays… :wink:


    @sword wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Dog goes missing
    Police find god and take it to kennels at station
    Police then “lose” dog with no explanation as to how
    Offer owners compensation for a “replacement”

    Amazing what forensics can do nowadays… :wink:

    shurrup you this is serious!!

    I think if they found god they wouldnt have been so careless do you? :lol:


    dog is all around, allegedly


    woof ! woof woof !!


    I give up with you lot lol!!!!


    I’m confused Shazza, is god a dog?

    Chels and Man U are handing you the f’kin championship on a plate! grrrrrrrrrr… but I digress. Tell Dave to slap you from me as a fellow Chels supporter please.


    @sword wrote:

    I’m confused Shazza, is god a dog?

    Chels and Man U are handing you the f’kin championship on a plate! grrrrrrrrrr… but I digress. Tell Dave to slap you from me as a fellow Chels supporter please.

    Great innit… though Im not up for thanking any dirty yids yet :wink:

    Jermaine Defoe on his debut… a change is as good as a rest!!


    Great to see Scum Utd losing but how ironic that the dirty yids and Jermaine Defoe are helping the Arse out.


    ” dog moves in mysterious ways “

    is it a german dog ?

    Back in my day they built kennels properly. Mine was like Colditz and to escape we had to either build hang-gliders or jump over barbed wire on stolen motorbikes. Which ain’t easy canine-speaking. Most of the time we just barked or rolled in the mud to confuse the jerries.
    We liked digging tunnels and after naming them, would move the juicy bones, then aim for the camp perimeter. But then the damned guards found Fido and we had to open up Rover and Bonzo.

    is it a german guide dog ?

    maybe it stole a plane with Donald Pleasance.

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