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  • #255892

    Well i’m a big fat greedy gullable fish then :lol:

    I couldn’t give a monkeys if it was a wind-up or not. It’s a good excuse to babble on about nothing for a while. She did give a monkeys but now don’t give a monkeys, but it was nice of her to think that others gave a monkeys about whether she did or did not give a monkeys about anything in the first place.

    It makes sense to me… blah blah blah :shock:






    this was THE best wind up EVER! and i mean better than any wind up that smiley has ever done!

    i mean when smiley has in the past started a wind up some people knew it was one

    whereas this one!

    EVERYONE thought it was real! and that is EVERYONE! she had everyone fooled with this one!

    even me! for a moment i thought that sweetasbaileez actually got upset about being booted (for doing absolutely nothing) and i thought she actually hated guides who are jobsworth!

    but it was all a wind up!


    O….M….G !!!! You mean to say that this whole thing a put up job????? Our own ..our very own ”nob user” wasn’t really booted at all????? But ….. but ….. the thread title …. the posts she made …. the replies ….. the anger ….

    Wow!!!! She sure had us all fooled eh????

    Golly gosh ….. that was sooooo brilliant. I would never have thought of this one in a million years !!!


    *sweetasbaileez reels the low life wanna be’s in like the bi atches that they are*… and to think that i said i’d never been booted :?: :?: tut :shock: :cry: :lol: theres droll…and theres life without tommy….i’ll take tommy…as for you Token.. be a real man and get your tongue out of PB’s ar se as its highly unnatractive and reminds me a bit of thailands lady boy culture :wink: :shock: :oops: :lol:


    ok shush now, its over

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